Cat Fight


Etan watched, shocked—and slightly aroused if he was honest about it—as Ayleth tripped Sarya backwards and bore her to the ground. 

He could immediately see that his wife was holding back—using open handed slaps rather than thrusts, pulling hair instead of striking. But Ayleth was also using her training. Sarya was unable to keep a hold on her, and with grim satisfaction, Ayleth blocked every one of the strikes the Lady Playn attempted.

After a few moments, Borsche caught his eye over the top of the cat fight and raised a brow. "You aren't going to stop this?"

"I'm not her father," he shrugged. "And she deserves to be offended."

"She might kill the Lady Playne and start a war."

Etan raised both eyebrows. "You don't think we've likely already done that?"

"Fair point."