Love in the Quiet


With a hitching sigh, Ayleth let Etan lower her to the cloak on the hay. There was a scramble as they both tugged and shuffled to remove their breeches, but Etan's eyes never closed, he never took his gaze from her, and her skin prickled under his gaze.

When they were finally both free of their clothing, she opened her arms and he lowered himself over her, nestling between her thighs and blowing out a breath as their bodies found each other, her soft heat to his hard strength. Ayleth's hips rose instinctively, seeking him, but Etan didn't take her immediately.

Back arched to keep them together, he braced, one hand on either side of her shoulders, staring down at her, his biceps and chest tensed to take his weight. She stroked his muscles, letting her hands follow the lines of them, simultaneously hungry and aching for him, and so content, so grateful to savor the sight of him.