[Bonus chapter] Man to Man - Part 1

GOOD NEWS! (I hope) Thank you for your patience with updates. I was surprised to discover we're closer to "The End" than I realized. So I rejigged my writing schedule this week and... you'll now have updates every day until the end of the month, when there will be several chapters released to THE END! I'm so excited for you to finally see their happy ending! Thank you again for sticking with me for the roller coaster of this story and its releases. It means the world to me. I hope you enjoy the daily updates for the rest of the month! (Added after publication so you aren't charged for the words.) 



They didn't rest as many hours that day. They had to travel in daylight. From where they stood it was two hours ride through the pass to the fortress city of Anvor, its walls a barricade across the only canyon to cut between the sheer mountain cliffs of the Northern Range, which was a necessary passage—but also a predictable one.