The war angels and archangels exchange looks amongst themselves after which they gather together to form a blockade in order to prevent Beelzebub and his forces from reaching the gate.
"I'm sure you've gotten your answer, We are not backing down so you can do what you want."
An archangel remarks from amidst the angelic gathering.
"Hmm. indeed, I expected nothing less from you lot...
Well then, you can die a most noble death knowing that your destruction came at my hand."
Beelzebub remarks in a condescending manner.
Beelzebub faces his right palm towards the blockade with a large dark energy ball forming.
The angels quickly pool their energy together to create a shield and await his attack.
Beelzebub smirks after which he lets his attack loose with a wave of his hand causing it to move in an arc towards them.
Before the dark arc can hit the shield a white line cuts through the attack dissipating the dark energy instantly.
Beelzebub looks to see who had countered his attack so easily with the angels turning to set eyes on a figure floating not too far away with his wings in full spread surrounded by six fully armed archangels with double wings.
"It's Prince Raphael."
An archangel remarks in an elated tone.
"Rejoice my comrades, an angel prince has come to join us in battle."
Yet another archangel incites the others as courage begins to return to their ranks.
Beelzebub mutters with a scowl
Raphael floated in the middle of the six angels forming a circle around him.
All six angels glaring at the enemy fighters with Raphael fixated on Beelzebub with rage in his fiery eyes.
His wings spanned a massive seventy six by fifty two inches shining a golden color with his armor also glowing with golden flames.
His irises were a bright yellow almost bridging on flames.
Well built and drop dead handsome with gold hair, Raphael resonated of a being worthy of his title as an angel prince.
"Raphael, what do you think you're doing here, how dare you interrupt my judgement on this lot??"
Beelzebub asks, yelling at the top of his lungs with his voice resonating through the void they were in.
"I should be asking you why you are here??
What gave you the audacity to come here??
Y ou killed two archangels, individuals that served the Father without fault and now you just attempted to kill even more pious souls.
I cannot allow that, I will not allow that."
Raphael says with sadness and anger resonating in his voice.
"I have watched as you lot destroyed the human race and have pushed them to the point of extinction.
Unleashing your hatred against humanity in such a gruesome manner never sat well with me but I could not defy Michael's words and descend to earth to provide assistance.
But now you are here and I swear on the souls you have destroyed that I will pass holy judgement on you."
Raphael declares in an determined tone.
"Oh please cut the crap you fool, what's all this chivalric talk about. You have also killed, why is my case so different??
Humanity deserves what it is getting anyways, how could the Father have expected us to tend to those lowly creatures when we were the first to be created.
We were much stronger, faster, bearing divinity within us yet we were meant to wash their feet and listen to their thoughts, I don't think so."
Beelzebub retorts in an angry tone.
"You try to make an argument but miss the point.
Humanity did not cause your downfall in fact you caused their downfall, so don't you dare try to make a case for your despicable crimes."
Raphael remarks in a disdainful manner.
"Very well then, if you will not listen and are bent on doing battle, I will grant you a glorious death."
Beelzebub retorts with an acid look.
Beelzebub zips towards Raphael at fifty times the speed of light with Raphael not standing on ceremony but charging in as well with both beings clashing in the middle with their collision resulting in a massive shock wave that tore through the void and blasted back both angels and demons alike.
A war angel groans as the shockwave sends him hurtling back.
"What kind of force is this??"
Another war angel asks as he tried to shield himself from the shockwaves.
"It would be wise if we do not get involved in that battle or else you want to die from the aftershocks of their clash."
An archangel remarks causing the angel around him to stare in disbelief.
Was the general question with several other angels staring in awe at the explosive battle in front of them.
Beelzebub and Raphael trade blows as their sword clashes with immense force sending ripples through the void.
Beelzebub's blade raged like flames as it burned with a massive fury while Raphael's blade crackled with life as electricity and lightning shot through it with massive force.
Both beings moved at faster than light speeds as they kept moving back and forth while they clashed with their blades with both demon and angel folk alike trying their best to avoid getting hit directly by the aftershocks of their battle.
"I see you have not lost any of your strength and speed after all these years brother, you are still as agile as ever."
Beelzebub remarks with a grin.
"Do not try to flatter me, you could never measure up to me even when you were still serving the father do you think you have a chance now all because you carry the profane title of demon prince amongst your fellow despondent folks."
Raphael retorts staring down at Beelzebub.
"You make too much of yourself, brother."
Beelzebub remarks with a grim look on his face