Chapter 5 : Sanctuary II { Flashback }



TIME : 4:45PM


A whole bunch of kids can be seen playing with themselves on the facilities available on the playground the kids are dressed in white outfit and are seen to be within the range of five to ten.

The younger ones were the most active and more in number while the older kids were quiet and shy.

A few nuns dressed in their normal attire can be seen watching over the kids as they play while also chatting amongst themselves.

The playground itself was quite big with the children having enough space to play on.

A young Sirius is seen sitting at the swing all alone with a sullen expression on his face, he seemed to be sulking but no-one cared to ask.

A few times he would put his head up and watch other kids playing but he acted like he wasn't bothered as he would end up bending his head down again.

A boy walks up to Sirius and taps him on the head causing him to put his head up

"What is it?"

Sirius asks in a rude tone.

"I would like to play with the swing if you are done with it."

The boy replies with a child like innocence.

"No I'm not done with it so just leave me alone."

Sirius says.

"But I've been watching you for a while now but you haven't used it at all, you just sit there and watch the other kids play, please let me use it."

The boy retorts with a pout.

"I said no, now stop bothering me."

Sirius reiterates.

"Why do you have to be so mean??"

The child asks with a sad look on his face.

"I said leave me alone."

Sirius repeats.

"I'm not leaving until you let me ride it, I really want to ride it."

The boy remarks stomping his foot on the ground.

"And I'm not letting you ride it because I'm using it."

Sirius remarks, making a face as he spoke.

"You are not even playing with it, you're just sitting there."

The child says gesturing with his hand.


Sirius asks in a nonchalant manner.

The childish banter goes on for a while and begins to catch others attention with other kids beginning to surround the two boys arguing

"Hey just let him ride it, you're not using it."

One of the new kids joining in the conversation says in a calm voice.

"Yeah, you're just sitting there, he seems like he really wants to ride it."

Another child says.

"Don't be like that and just let him ride it."

Yet another child remarks.

More kids begin to support the child that was asking to ride the swing with Sirius not budging and remaining firm in his decision to not let the child ride the swing.

The nuns take notice of the gathering and one of them goes over to see what was wrong, on getting there she saw the kids arguing and decided to intervene before things got out of hand.

"What's going on here??"

The nun asks causing the argument to cease with the kids turning their attention to the nun that had just arrived.

"Sister, it's Sirius, he doesn't want to let me ride the swing even though he's not using it himself and has been sitting on it for a while now."

The first child that had approached Sirius replies with pout.

"Sirius, is this true?"

The nun asks.


Sirius replies without mincing words.

"Why don't you want to let him ride it??"

The nun asks with a raised brow.

"Because I'm using it."

Sirius replies casually

"But it doesn't look to me like you are actually using it, you just seem to be sitting there, why don't you let him ride it for a little bit."

The nun remarks, gesturing with her right palm.


Sirius yells out in annoyance.

"Sirius don't be so stubborn, just let him ride it."

The nun remarks in the nicest way possible as she attempts to take hold of Sirius's hand and lead him away but Sirius holds on to the swing and refuses to let go.

"I said no, Leave me alone!!!"

Sirius yells out.

A wave goes out from Sirius with which causes the nun and the kids around him to let him be and go back to what they were doing.

Another nun notices what had happened and immediately goes to inform the Matron of the playground who immediately goes to where Sirius was and drags him along with the other kids looking at him with an expression bordering on 'serves you right' while the nuns gossiped amongst themselves as to how troublesome he was.




"Sirius what is the meaning of this??"

Rita asks with a concerned look on her face.


Sirius retorts in a rude manner.

"How could you use your powers on your fellow mates and even a nun??"

Rita asks, upset with Sirius's nonchalant attitude.

"....I didn't mean to..."

Sirius replies putting his head down.

"What do you mean you didn't mean to, why were you acting so stubborn regarding the matter of allowing your mate ride the swing you were sitting on??"

Rita asks with a raised brow.

"Because I didn't want to share the swing, I was using it."

Sirius replies with a pout.

"Sirius!!... One of the virtues we teach here is how to share amongst yourselves, why would you act so selfish?"

Rita asks in annoyance.

"Because no-one wanted to play with me, I was sitting there for so long yet no one came to play with me."

Sirius replies in a low tone.

"If you wanted play mates, you could have gone to play with them and not sat down at the swing waiting for someone to at with you."

Rita remarks placing her fingers on her temple.

"I don't want to."

Sirius retorts.


Rita yells out in frustration.