Chapter 11

Amon's POV

What the fuck does he mean by I was just marked by the heir of the Valac bloodline?! How can Raven mark me with something magical?

"Ronove, explain this. Now!" I demanded.

He sighed and grabbed me, forcing me to sit on his bed. He sat on the ground in front of me like a parent going to explain something to their hard of understand child. Removing his own shirt, he placed it next to him. He pointed to his right shoulder. My eyes zeroed in on it. On his shoulder there was a raised scar. It looked like an intricate rose pattern on his skin, with thorny vines weaving in and out of the petals.

"This is the mark of the Valac mates." He began to explain. "For each heir, when they find their mate, a symbol is burnt into their skin as well as their mate's. For each couple, their symbol differs and appears on a different part of the body. It is just the mates who have the same markings on the same part of the body. The symbol only appears once their love for each other is recognized."

"Love for each other is recognized? Then that means..."

"Yes. My daughter loves you. She just doesn't know it herself. But that mark over your heart proves it."

This was a lot to take in. But, Raven loves me. Wait. Forget that for a moment. How can we even get a mates marking? I'm going to refer to it as that. I'm the present king. The Valac bloodline has no claim to the throne anymore. Don't they?

"You look baffled still Amon. What's wrong?" Ronove asked standing up, putting back on this shirt.

"I'm a little confused." I said, scratching my head, standing up. "How can Raven mark me? Didn't the Valac bloodline stop being in control of the throne when I was made king?"

I watched as a slow smile spread across his face. He knew something. What is he keeping from me. All he did was place a finger on his lip, but he didn't say anything after that. I was about to say something. Actually I was going to demand he tell me. But the strangest thing happened.

I suddenly saw Raven passed out on the ground of her hut. Blood was leaking from the corners of her mouth. Her face was contorted in a painful expression. My legs gave out and I fell to the floor. It felt as though my throat was closing up. Every breath I took burned like the fire of Raum. My chest felt heavy like there was a weight on it.

"Raven..." I choked out her name.

She was in danger. Something happened to her. I need to get to her. I tried pushing myself up but my arms felt like led. My body felt like stone. What the fuck?! Ronove knelt in front of me, a curious look on his face. I watched his eyes widen as though he figured out something. All the while, I was still suffering. But one thing did change. I saw that Raven had managed to wake up and crawl to her bed before passing out again.

"Amon. Relax son." He said calmly.

Was he insane? I couldn't breathe, my heart was pounding erratically in my chest, my limbs felt like stone and I couldn't move. Ronove must have realized I wasn't listening to him because he touched my shoulder. I felt power surge through me. Was he giving me some of his powers? He was. With his powers now flowing within me, I was able to move my limbs.

He flipped me onto my back and moved his hand from my shoulder to my chest.

"Take slow steady breaths."

I did as he said. I breathed in and out slowly. The fires in my throat were subsiding. The weight on my chest lifted.

"Ronove, what's happening to me?" If he didn't know, then I don't know who would.

"I believe Raven is linking her body to yours." He explained. He pushed the hair back, out of my face. Weird. "Seeing as how she isn't aware she even has powers or who she is for that matter, all this is being done unconsciously. The process normally doesn't cause pain, so that would mean she is in pain herself."

I knew it. If he really didn't know, I didn't know who would. And he did know.

"So what do I do?" I tried to push myself up. He helped me.

"Nothing. You just need to bare with the pain until she either completes the linking or sever it."

"Wouldn't severing the link kill me? Or her?"

"No. This link connects the mates both physically and emotionally. So what one feels, the other feels as well. It is different from the life link that you and I have. Our souls are literally joined together. So if one dies, so does the other."

"So who's pain am I feeling. Mine or hers?"

"Seeing as how she's new to this, I'm not sure. But you need to rest Amon. The linking takes a toll on the body."

He was right. My body felt drained. I felt as though I was dead on my feet. I took his advice. I was making my way to the door when his voice stopped me.

"Amon, did you see a vision of her?"

"I did. That's how I knew she was in pain. How did you know?"

"Your eyes. They went completely white. That's a sign of a demon vision. Just be careful around other demons son."

With that he moved to his bed, signaling the conversation was over. I bid him good night before leaving to return to my chambers. My trip from the dungeons to my chambers was longer than usual. I was unsteady on my feet. Every step I took felt as though I was falling. I had to brace myself against the walls to help me walk. Thank the demon kings the castle was asleep. I would have been embarrassed to be caught walking like that.

As I entered my chambers, I fell face first on my bed. I barely closed my eyes when my chamber doors opened. Only one person would enter this late. Marax.

"My lord? Is everything well?" He said. His voice sounded like it came from the door way.

"It's fine. I'm just tired."

"Then come. I drew a bath for you." That was thoughtful of him. But then again, he is my manservant. His duty is to wait on me hand and foot. That was the one thing I hated when I took the throne.

Sighing, I got off the bed and followed Marax. When I entered the bath, true to his words, Marax had drawn a bath for me. Tendrils of steam were escaping the water in the tub. Removing my clothing, I sank into the hot waters. The water was hot enough to boil a human but to me it was just perfect.

"Your majesty, what is that in your chest?" He asked pointing to my newly formed burnt scar.

"Nothing. I must have burnt myself in the ancestral chambers."

The ancestral chambers is where the kings go to learn of the heritage of the kingdom. And how to control their magic.

"But I have never seen a brand like that before." He pointed out.

I fingered the raised skin on my chest. I saw Ronove's one but I was too preoccupied with the pain that was consuming me that I didn't bother looking mine. Getting out the bath, I stood in front the full length mirror. Marax came up behind me with my bathrobe in his hands. I put it on but didn't tie it.

The raised skin on my chest was burnt in a way where there were two images per say. A Celtic crescent moon was to the left with a Celtic five point star to the right. Basically it looked like a Celtic moon and star on my chest. If this mate thing is correct then Raven should have gotten one just like it on her chest. 

"Your majesty?" Marax called from behind me.

He was waiting for me to leave the bathroom so that he could dress me.

"Marax, why don't you take the rest of the night off. I insist." I told him, walking out the bathroom and to my room.

My words caused him to pause. I didn't hear him follow after me immediately. After I was fully dressed then he entered my room. The expression on his face was priceless. He looked shocked and baffled all in one.

"Your majesty. Why did you tell me to..."

"Because I just want to rest." Unconsciously I fingered the raised scar.

"Very well Sire."

He bowed low before leaving my chambers. I got into my bed and crawled under the covers. I was asleep in seconds.

Marax's POV

His majesty is unwell. Well at least he is giving off that impression. I can't let the council members see him like this. They will think he is unfit to rule. He isn't. He's the perfect king. Yes King Ronove was a just and fair ruler but King Amon is special. Things came to him naturally.

Like his title as King. He was a Knight that fought in the name of the Valac Kingdom. Well what else was he supposed to do? All orphans either die before adulthood or live to serve the kingdom. Me? I was an orphan just like him. And when I was on the verge of death, he saved me. That was five centuries ago.

The fire storms of Raum were brutal. Balls of fire fell from the sky like hale in the human world. If you didn't find shelter in time, it was good bye demon. I was living on the streets at the time. I was moments away from finding shelter when I was struck repeatedly by the fire balls. They were the size of a pebble. But it wasn't one hitting you at a time. It was thousands. I was seconds away from passing out. The last thing I saw was a man battling the fire storm, running towards me.

I woke up feeling sore all over. I woke up! I'm not dead! Thank the King! Sitting up slowly, I tested my limbs to see if they were all still fully functional. They were. Once I ensured I was okay, just terribly sore, I took in my surroundings.

I was in a dilapidated single room hut. The roof was hole riddled. There were multiple cracks in the walls. I was laying on the ground where some blankets were laid down in a make shift bed. Looking out the only window in the room, I saw the castle in the distance.

"You're awake I see." A deep voice called from the shadows of the room.

"Yes I am." I replied. "It's kind of creepy how you are hidden. Can you at least show yourself so I would know if you're a demon killer."

A low chuckle rumbled from him before he stepped out of the shadows. He was a tall man, over six feet tall. He has sea green eyes and dark brown hair. Weird. I've never known demons to have hair and eye colour like that unless they had demon enchanters blood in them. They are people who worked in direct contact with the Kings, under the knights.

"Name's Amon. What's yours?" He asked walking closer to me.

"Marax St. Claire."

"Nice to meet you Marax."

"Thank you for saving me."

"It's alright. I'm sure a lot of other demons would have done it." He shrugged his shoulders like it was something normal.

"No. They wouldn't. Demons think of themselves. They all were trying to get away from the fire to save themselves. But you, you battled the fires and saved me. How did you do that? And why am I hole free? I swore I was badly injured."

"You were. It took forever for me to heal you. Do you know how many times you were struck?"

He shook his head in disapproval. Wait. Did he just say he healed me? No demon could heal another. No demon I know is that powerful.

"Amon, how did you heal me?"

"Simple. I placed my hands on your chest, pushed my power into you, healing your wounds. Once you were healed and no longer on the verge of death, I pulled back my powers. Sorry I couldn't remove the soreness from your body."

The fuck! This man is an enchanter! In my two hundred years I've never met an enchanter. Much less one who didn't even know he was one.

"How old are you Amon?"

"I'm ninety five years old. Won't reach adulthood for another five years unfortunately."

Adulthood for a demon is when they are one hundred years. Only then they would be allowed to work and make a life for themselves. Unless they were homeless orphans. Most demons are orphans until adulthood.

I stayed in his hut until the soreness left my body. He offered me something to eat and drink. The food was unlike anything I've ever seen in the demon world, or tasted. But then again, I live on the streets. I noticed that the entire time we were eating, Amon kept looking out the window, staring at the castle.

"What's so fascinating about the castle?" I asked bluntly. He laughed moving away from the window.

"Everything. One day, I will live within the castle walls."

The only way for a peasant demon to live within the castle was to become a knight serving under the king.

"So you want to become a knight."

"Not just any Knight. The Onyx Knight."

Was this demon fucking insane?! The Onyx Knight was the right hand of the king. Other than the kings' manservant, the Onyx Knight was his most trusted servant.

"Amon that's crazy talk."

"It's not. I just have to be the most powerful of all the knights."

There was a determined look in his eyes. He was really set in becoming the Onyx Knight. And I'm sure he will become it. He was powerful enough. If tonight was any indication, he just may be as powerful as the Valac Kings.

"Then for saving my life tonight, I Marax St. Claire pledge my eternal allegiance to you Amon."

He blinked at me like I was the crazy one. "I saved your life because I wanted to and it was the right thing to do. I didn't do it for a payment."

"Exactly. Which is why I've made this decision." He looked like he was about to argue but I didn't give him a chance. I held my hand out for him to shake. He stared at my hand for a while before sighing and clasping our hands together.

"So what will you do now?" He asked rhetorically.

"Well every knight needs a manservant. I'll be yours."

He laughed at that. But I was utterly serious. He may take my offer as a joke now, but he will see that it was the right offer. We returned to the window looking out at the castle. A smile appeared on Amon's lips. For some reason, I knew he would enter those castle walls. And I will be right behind him supporting him every step of the way.

Opening the door of his chambers, I peeked in to see if my King was asleep. Amon was sleeping with the covers off his body and the lights on again. That little human girl he goes to visit must really be a handful. He doesn't even know that I know of the human. He can't hide things from me. Being his oldest friend has it benefits. Most of the nights he returns tired like this. But tonight he seemed even more exhausted.

It must have something to do with that burn scar on his chest. His visits to the previous king won't go unnoticed for long. I will have to take precautions to ensure that no one sees it. I won't loose my King.

Entering the room, I covered him, turned off the lights and left. I will protect Amon's secret with my life. I won't let anyone take from him what he worked so hard to get.