Raven's POV Opening my eyes, I saw the blue sky above me. Well I think it was blue. To be honest, the world was a little blurry and once again sepia coloured. Once again? Have I been to this place before? Sitting up, my head throbbing, I glanced around me. I was in the sepia village. Funny how I didn't remember that while I was in the real world. My memory is not that bad. So that means something was preventing me from remembering what I saw the last time I was here. That was a few hours ago wasn't it? Why am I here again? Better question is, how the hell did I even get here and how do I get out? "You're awake I see. Finally. I thought you were going to sleep forever." A bubbly feminine voice called from behind me. Whipping my head around, I saw a woman stooping behind me, her elbows on her knees and a brilliant smile on her pink lips. Her long dark brown hair was plait in front of her, brushing the ground. Her light brown eyes sparkled with mischief. My first thought, damn she's beautiful. Second thought, she's the woman I saw last time with that demon man. Nathalia I believe was her name. "Um hi?" I asked instead of saying. She laughed. "Raven don't look so shocked." I kinda have to. If memory serves, and it does, she couldn't see me last time. I was quite literally invisible. She reached out a hand for me. Without questioning anything, I took her hand and she stood up, pulling me up with her. "I have a question. A few actually. But first, who the hell are you?!" I demanded, pulling my hand out of hers. "Feisty. But I guess that's what happens when you are left alone most of your life." I was taken aback by her words. I wasn't alone most of my life. I had Amon. I'm not alone. Yes he leaves me for long periods of time, only because he has too. But that was before. Everyday I see him now. Ever since the day those men almost raped me. "Who am I Raven? Look at me and tell me if you know who I am." She said. I looked at her. I mean really looked at her. I've met her before haven't I? A memory buried deep within my mind sprung forth. A woman playing with a black hair baby girl. A baby girl with dual coloured eyes, blue and red. Me. Blinking, I stared at the woman. "Mom..." A smile spread on her face. "That's right my darling." I launched myself at her, wrapping my arms around her waist, burying my face in her neck. My mom wrapped an arm around my back while she used her other to stroke the back of my head. I hadn't even realized that I was crying. "Mom...why am I here?" I sniffled, composing myself. "I need to show you a few things. I won't get an opportunity to meet you like this again. Looking over you has taken a lot out of me." "Looking over me?" "Did you actually think a toddler would have survived on her own? I was watching over you this entire time. I didn't want you getting hurt so I stayed. Not like I was given a choice." She did have a point. I was a little over a year when she died. In reality, there's no way I would have survived. So I guess I'll have my mother to thank for that. That reminds me... "Mom, how did you die?" "That's what I want to show you. Well one of the things. Everything I will show you is in an order. So let's start from the first one." She took my hand and we began walking towards the forest. We didn't say anything while walking. Even though I was meeting my mother for the first time since I could remember, I don't really have anything to say to her. It's not like she was missing for years. She was dead. Is dead. So I never thought the opportunity would have arrived where I would get to talk to her. I heard the sound of running water before I heard the sound of talking. It sounded like a couple arguing in hushed tones. My mom gave me a small smile before pushing aside some branches for us to pass through. I entered before her and the sound of voices got louder. A man was standing by the trees while a woman was sitting on the ground cradling something. Being closer to them, I realized they weren't arguing. But they were in a heated discussion. And neither of them sounded happy. "Nathalia, I don't really have a choice." The man said. Wait. I know that voice. It's the man who was with my mother the last time I was in this sepia village. Ronove I think his name was. "We all have a choice. You don't have to go." Nathalia's voice broke as she spoke. "You don't have to leave us." Ronove pushed away from the tree he was leaning against and came up next to her. He knelt down beside her. Raising a hand, he touched her cheek, turning her face towards him. "I'm sorry my love. But I am king and I abandoned my kingdom for you and our child. I can't hide here forever with you like I wanted to." Nathalia looked away but Ronove kept a grip on her face. He leaned forward and kissed her only to freeze when a gurgling sound was heard. Laughing against each other's lips, they pulled back and looked down at the bundle in Nathalia's hand. "I think our little princess doesn't want you to go either." She said kissing her baby. Next to me, mom smiled. "Your father was the King of Raum, the demon underworld. But he chose to be with us instead of ruling his kingdom. That is part of what led to his downfall." "King? Mom then that means..." "You are a demon princess. Raven, you are half demon." I stood there gaping at her. Half demon. So that explains the reason I heal so quickly and why I'm so different from the others. My father is a demon. Not just any demon. A demon king. "Mom, where is my father now?" I asked looking up at her. Her eyes were suddenly filled with sadness. "Watch and you will see." So I did. We watched my mother's past. Ronove had taken their baby from her and was making funny faces that caused the baby to laugh. He suddenly froze and gave a shocked intake of breath, while the baby started to cry and wail. Ronove glanced at the baby before turning to Nathalia. They exchanged a worried look before Nathalia took the baby. "They're coming aren't they?" She whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. Ronove wiped her eyes before kissing her, holding her against him, mindful not to hurt the baby. He kissed her with such love that I averted my eyes. "Please protect her until she is eighteen. I will come back for you both. I love you Nathalia." They kissed one last time. He pulled back and chanted something. Nathalia and the baby started to fade before they completely disappeared. "Your father had turned us invisible. Being human, I wouldn't have been able to outrun demons. So he did the only thing he could have done at the time." Ronove turned his back to them seconds before a horde of demons swarmed around him. All of them were tiny, standing at only half the height of Ronove. They were black with red intricate designs and swirls over their body. Their eyes were completely red with black irises. Only one of them were human looking. But his face, unlike the others, was covered with a horned demon mask. He stood taller than Ronove. He had dark brown hair and from what could be seen of his eyes, they were a beautiful deep green shade. "And of course they would send you to collect me." Ronove spoke as though he knew the man. "I am your Onyx Knight. Of course they would send me." That voice. I know that voice. "Let's get this over with Amon." Amon! He's the demon that came to take my dad away. He knew my dad. But I can't be mad at him. I'm sure he didn't even know that he was father. I watched as Amon chanted and shackles appeared around my father's hands, neck and feet. Purple and red tendrils of smoke floated up from the shakes. Ronove grimaced but didn't utter a word. It was obvious that he was in pain. Oh god! Amon how could you hurt my father like that! I began seething with anger. Amon you hurt my father! You took him from us! My anger boiling over, I watched as the smaller demons led my father away. With Amon alone remaining back he removed the mask he was wearing. "I'm sorry my King. They didn't really give me much of a choice." His eyes were filled with regret. As quick as it came, my anger boiled over at his words. He pinched the bridge of his nose. It looked like he was crying. But that's impossible. I've never seen him shed a tear before. It took a few minutes but he had recomposed himself. He replaced the mask over his face, opening a crater at the same time. A soft cry was heard where the invisible Nathalia and her baby stood. Amon snapped his attention in the direction before jumping into the crater. With him gone, the invisibility spell was lifted. Nathalia ran back to the village, consoling her crying baby. "He was taken from us because he wanted to be with us all the time. Ironic isn't it." Mom said. "Now come. Time for the second part of it." She took my hand and led me through the forest and back to the village. There we found her past self nursing the baby in a hut no bigger than mine. She cooed at her baby while tears streamed down her face. She made her baby sleep before she left the hut. She headed in the direction of the village chief. We followed behind her. She knocked on the door and waited. The head priest opened it and smirked before letting her in. "It's nice of you to finally come after all those summons Nathalia." Leraje said, shutting the door. "Enough talk. Where is he? And he better has a good reason for calling me over." "Nathalia my dear!" A loud voice sounded from within the house. The village chief came forwards, arms wide open and a stupid grin on his face. He made an attempt to embrace her but she quickly ducked to the side avoiding him. "What is it that you want Halphas? I told you not to call me unless it was important." She sounded angry. Really angry. He glared at her. "Let us discuss it in my office." He turned and headed in the direction of his office. She reluctantly followed. He shut the door behind her when they entered the office. She stood by the door while he took a seat. "So what is it?" She asked again. "Marry me Nathalia. You won't regret it." He produces a simple silver ring. She just stared at him like he was an idiot. "Are you kidding me?! No! The answer has and always will be no." "Why not? What is wrong with me?" "Everything! Try helping the village for once instead of sleeping with all the young women. Or better yet, actually protect us from the beast that keeps attacking us." "What am I supposed to do about the beast of the forest?! He'll kill us all!" "Move the village! Take us out the forest." "No. I will never move." Nathalia groaned in frustration. She turned around to leave when Halphas rushed her and slammed her head against the door. She held her head. It was bleeding from a small gash. "And this is why I will never consider marrying you. My parents already turned down the offer of marriage. Multiple times." "Why do you keep saying no?!" Halphas exploded in anger, punching her in the jaw. Wiping the blood from her mouth, Nathalia growled low before kicking him away from her. He flew back, hitting the back of his head on the edge of his table. Stalking towards him, she placed her foot on his crotch, pressing down painfully. "That will be the last time you touch me." Raising her foot, she stomped down, grinding until Halphas begged for her to stop. Turning on her heel, she left his house. "Mom, he hurt you!" I couldn't hold back my reaction. "That's alright. It wasn't the first time he hit a woman. He's the kind of person who lives off fear. But he never got that from me. As you saw." She laughed. She's right. Unlike me, I never really learned to defend myself until it was too late. My mom looked at me in a way that tore my heart. "What comes next mom?" I asked wanting to change the conversation. If possible, my mom looked even sadder than she did when Ronove was taken away. She didn't say anything. She just held my hand once again and led me to the forest where in present day, the sacrificial stone was. Nathalia sat on one of the rocks there looking up at the sky. She ran her hand through her hair. "Is this where you hide Nathalia?" A dark voice called from behind her. She gasped and spun around so quickly she almost fell off the rock. Righting herself, she watched as Leraje emerged from the shadow of the trees. But he looked different. From the brown hair and golden eyes of the villagers, he now had darkest black hair and crimson eyes. Nathalia blinked several times before she smiled. "So this is who you really are. Is Leraje really your name?" Her voice was thick with sarcasm. "It is. Did you honestly think that a man as stupid as Halphas could be able to handle this village without some demonic help? Nathalia stood, taking steps away from him. He in turn took a few steps closer to her. "Tell me, how did you ensnare the demon king? He repeatedly refused proposals for years, then suddenly he was head over heels for you." Leraje reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her close. Nathalia tried to pull away but his grip tightened. "What do you want?" "If I said I wanted to fuck you, would you let me?" He said using his free hand to caress her cheek. She turned her face away, but he gripped her cheeks. "I want to be buried deep inside of you." She flinched away from his words. As if he suddenly lost interest in her, he pushed her away. Nathalia knew that if she made an attempt to run from him, he would find out about her daughter. She just wanted to get back to her. "Who are you Leraje?" "Me? I'm only the left hand of the demon king." "What?" Left hand of the king? What is that? "You look confused. Did your lover never tell you about his kingdom?" He feign shock. "Sorry. We had other things on our mind when we meet." "Well let me tell you. I am the manservant of that retched king. Or rather I was. I turned him in, telling the council about his fornications with a human." Nathalia scoffed. "You got that word wrong. He married me. So I'm his wife." She lied. Ronove didn't marry her but he did tell her he would have. "Ah I see." Leraje scratched his chin, deep in thought. Nathalia suddenly found herself slamming repeatedly into a tree. It was as though a strong force was pulling and pushing her. She was dropped to the ground, her back bloodied, her head bleeding. Standing up on shaky legs, she looked around confused. Loud, booming laughter was heard. Snapping her attention back to Leraje, she saw he was laughing uncontrollably. "You should have seen yourself. It was so funny. You looked like a puppet." He said in between laughs. "How did you...?" "How did I treat you like a rag doll without even lifting a finger?" He was suddenly in front of her, pulling her up by her hair. "I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm what the demons call a devil enchanter. We are quite rare. There are only a handful left. Why? Simple. I killed them all. We have the power to take the throne, but only if the heir is weaker than we are. "Ronove is far too powerful for me. So he's not my target. My target is that precious little child you have back in your hut. What? You think I didn't know about her. Who do you think I want to bury myself in? Not you. Oh no Nathalia. I want the sweet flesh of your daughter." Nathalia spat on him before kicking him away. "You won't lay a hand on my daughter." Leraje backhanded her, splitting her lip. "I wasn't asking permission." Grabbing her by the neck, he began to squeeze the life from her. Nathalia clawed at his hand, her legs kicking in order for her to get free. His grip loosened slightly. "Let me go!" Nathalia swung her fist, catching him in his jaw. Leraje tightened his hand again. "Listen here. I will leave your daughter alone. For now. But from the moment her powers awaken in her I will claim her as mine. Until then, I will make her an outcast in the village. She will have no one to turn to. I will make her suffer." As he spoke his grip tightened to the point where she was no longer able to pull air into her lungs. She flapped around for a few minutes like a fish before she went still. Leraje looked at her in disgust before he slammed her onto a rock, throwing her body to the side where it hit a tree. "There. Now it looks like a human killed her. All I need now is....." He didn't get to finish his words. He heard the rustling of leaves. Someone was coming. He quickly blended into the shadows of the tree, watching. Halphas run into view, panting. Looking around he saw Nathalia's dead body. Longing flashed across his features before he knelt next to her body. He lifted her dress, freed himself from his breeches and entered her. I stared in horror as the village chief raped my mother's dead body. My mom also looked shocked. He violated her! Turning my back to him, I felt the urge to vomit. I could taste the bile in my mouth. I noticed my mom was still looking at the scene before her, with a mirrored shocked expression. Before I could ask her anything, Leraje came back looking human once again. He pulled Halphas off of Nathalia's body. "What the hell are you doing Helphas?!" He shouted at the village chief, shoving him up against a tree. "I...she...her body was there for me. Just waiting for me to plunge into her." Halphas explained, looking proud. "I finally got her. I claimed her." "She's dead you asshole. You killed her." Leraje sounded distraught. Too bad it was all fake. "No...I didn't. She was already...." Halphas defended himself. Well he did try to. "Look at her head. It's bleeding . Well it was." The stupid village chief believed his words. He looked like he was going to cry. Actually he did cry. He held Nathalia's body, sobbing over her. Leraje on the other hand, gave a hidden malicious smile. Oh how he was enjoying the sight before him. "Lets bury her Halphas." Leraje said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "No. Leave the body here. Let the beast of the forest eat her. That way we won't have to explain why or how she died." Halphas said dropping Nathalia's body like a hot potato. "Very well sir. Now let's leave. We don't want you to be missing from the village for too long." My mom and I watched as they left her there, without any remorse. That wasn't even the shocking part about everything. The shocking part was Halphas. His desperation to have my mother made him rape her dead body. That was necrophilia. Noticing that my mom was silent for a long time, I touched her shoulder. "Mom?" "He defiled my body and then just left me." It seems as though she hasn't gotten over the initial shock. She shook her head to clear it, plastering a smile on her face that I knew she didn't feel. "Well I guess it's time to go now." Before I could say anything, a crater appeared and Amon stepped out in human form. He looked around the area, his eyes falling on Nathalia's body. Stepping towards it, he knelt besides her, placing his hand on her cheek. "So you're dead. That's not good." He sighed. Placing both hands above her chest, he chanted in a language neither my mother nor I could understand. We watched as a stream of ghost like smoke left her mouth, forming to stand next to the body. "Well whatever pain you were in, it's over now." Amon said, taking up her body and began walking away. "Ronove showed me you in his memory, so I know who you are. I'm sorry this happened to you. I'll bury you for him." By this time he had reached the swamp. Holding Nathalia's body tighter, Amon jumped onto the furthest piece of land that was in the swamp. Saying another incantation, he created a small concrete building. The tomb. Entering through the opening, he placed the body on a black stone slate. "This building will preserve your body, but you will still be dead. I truly am sorry that you had to loose your life this young." With those words, Amon walked out the building, sealing it shut with another incantation. Opening a crater, he disappeared into it. Mom and I just stared at the tomb, speechless. We sat outside the tomb, leaning against it. "Well I can see why you are in love with that man. He's like Ronove. He has compassion for humans." Mom said after a long period of silence. Wait what did she say? Love? "Mom I don't love Amon." "Of course you do darling. I've seen the way you look at him and the way you are when you are with him." At my confused and lost look, she shook her head. "Tell me the way you feel when you are around him." I did. I told her about all the crazy and weird things that happens to my body. The fluttering in my belly when he's near me. The racing of my heart. The tightening in my chest when he's not around me. "Raven, you are in love with him. From the sound of it, it's been for some time now." I'm in love with Amon. I thought for sure I was dying with the feelings I get. Turns out I was dead wrong. "Mom, did you ever feel that way about dad?" "I did. He spent two years trying to get my affection. Thinking back to it, I loved him after the first year and I didn't even know it. But I'm sure that even if I did, I would have let him wait." She laughed. Even though he was taken in front of her and is quite possibly dead now, she still loves him. She touched my cheek, looking sad. "You look like him, you know." She gave me a small smile. "You have his eyes. Both of them. He had the most beautiful deep blue eyes. But when his demonic energy sprung forth, his eyes would turn red. You are a perfect mix of him." "Mom, I have you in me as well. Not only Ronove." She smiled brighter this time. She opened her mouth to speak but whatever it was, was lost. Her body faded for a few seconds before becoming opaque again. Shaking her head as if she wanted to clear it, she blinked several times. "I used up too much energy to show you these memories. I only have a few minutes left. So I need to tell you this before my time is up." "Tell me what mom?" She covered my mouth so I wouldn't interrupt her again. "Stay away from Leraje. He will only want to do you harm once you become eighteen. When you wake up from this, you will forget everything until the time is right for you to remember. The only thing that you will leave here with is that you are in love with Amon." My eyes widen at her words. Why would she want me to forget everything? She showed me this so that I would know what happened. Now she wants me to not know at all. I shoved her hand away. Or at least I tried to. My hand went through hers. Removing her hand from over my mouth, she pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh I love you so much Raven. I will always be looking over you. You just won't be able to see me. You were loved unconditionally by your parents. I want you to know that." She rained kisses on my face. It was like she was making up for all the years I missed in a few minutes. I didn't sit like an idiot being kissed. I hugged her as tightly as I could. I wasn't going to leave until I took back something of hers with me. All too soon, she became transparent again, slipping from my grasps. A sadden look came over her once again. "I love you mom. And I will remember you." Just as I said those words, the world around us began to fade. I felt my body lift in the air by an invisible force. Everything felt like it was spiraling. Or was it just me? Before the world had completely disappeared, I saw my mother's smile. My words made her happy.