Chapter 14

Amon's POV

Ten days. From the moment I told her that, it was as though time stopped for her. She opened and closed her mouth repeated like a fish out of water. She wanted to say something but couldn't seem to gather her thoughts. What I didn't tell her was that I was also unconscious for those same ten days. I woke up an hour ago, bolting out of bed, only to collapse on Marax. He caught me before I fell on the floor. He filled me in on everything. That after my return from the dungeons, I got into bed and never woke up. He did everything he could have done to ensure that no one knew of my state. He told me that my body was in a comatose state. He said I wasn't breathing but my heart was faintly beating. It was the same thing that happened to Raven the moment she touched the tomb. But Marx doesn't know that. Once I was able to sit up, he helped me to the bath and left me to clean my body. I spent thirty minutes in the bath. Getting out, I dressed simply in a soft black denim jeans and a black muscle t-shirt. I didn't even bother to eat. My first priority was getting to Raven. After the initial shock of what I told her wore off, she seemed as though she was in a daze. I navigated her to sit down, taking her face in my hands. "Raven listen to me." I said calmly. "I know you must be in shock and I know we can't get those ten days back. But what we can do is move forward by trying to figure out what happened and how it happened. Think you could help me with that little Raven?" She nodded. "I'm terrified Ami. The Sacrifice is in two days. I know there aren't many eighteen year olds left. What if its my turn?" "In two days it's your birthday." I didn't want to talk about the Sacrifice. I wanted to focus all my attention on her. "That's all that matters. Let's forget all this talk about what is to come after and focus on something positive. Your birth is something to celebrate. To me at least." A small smile played at the corner of her lips. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by a loud growling sound. Thinking it was a wild animal, I started to pull away only to stop when I saw Raven turn the deepest shade of red I ever. Her hands were over her stomach and she was looking down. Wait. Was the sound her stomach? My reaction was automatic, I laughed. It was a loud booming sound that echoed through the forest. "Amon, it's not funny." She grumbled softly. I didn't think it was even possible for her face to get any redder. It did. My laughter only intensified. So Raven did the only thing left for her to do at my reaction. She smacked me on my head and stood up. She began walking away. "Hey, where are you going?" I asked getting up to follow her. Stopping, she looked over her shoulder at me. "Going hunting for my meal. You coming Amon?" A smirked played on her lips. When did she become like that? The innocent Raven I watched grow up was no longer a child. I should have realised it sooner. How could I have been so blind? Reaching out, I grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. Wrapping an arm around her waist, I bent, claiming her lips. On contact, she gasped before easing into the kiss. Our lips moved together as I pulled her even closer. It wasn't a hungry kiss full of lust. It was a kiss filled with passion and love. Slowly pulling back, I watched as she opened her eyes. "I apologise for laughing little Raven." Kissing her blush coloured cheeks with each word. "It's ok." Her reply ended with a smile. "Now let's go looking for food." Dropping my arm from around her waist, I took her hand instead. Together we went hunting for something to eat. Marx POV Ten Days Ago I left the room my King was in. He seemed so drained. The last time I saw him like that was when he had to go through the vigorous training to be the Onyx Knight to King Ronove. He went through twenty years of training. The training actually takes fifty years to complete, but Amon was a skilled demon. He past every test in record time. The man was descendant from the demon enchanters. He just didn't know it. Demon enchanters are the left hand of the King. Other than the King himself, these enchanters can open portals to the human relm. That was the biggest clue to locating one. Another clue would be their eye colour. While most demons have red and black eyes, the enchanters have green coloured eyes. Amon said he was born with those deep green eyes of his. Their demons were also a lot more powerful than the average demon. Their demons were so powerful, that even with all the power from the previous kings, a present king would not be able to defend himself. In the years I've known him, I've witnessed him go to the human relm multiple times. There were times when the demon in him got so powerful that he went on a rampage. The little village he visits was a hotspot for his craters because it was seeping in buried demon magic. Being an enchanter, he was drawn to that power. Over the centuries when he attacked the village, he wasn't doing it to ease the rampage. He was actually looking for the power that was buried there. Our theory was that the very first Kings Enchanter was buried somewhere in the land and his power was seeping out slowly. Over the ten days, I watched my king rest in bed. After a day, I became worried. He wasn't waking up no matter what I tried. The most frightening part for me was when he stopped breathing after the third day. His heart was beating but he wasn't breathing. It was then that I decided to visit the past King. He was the last person with my King before this happened. Making my way down to the dungeons, I didn't even knock when I arrived at the door. I just walked in. To me, I didn't care how powerful the man was. I just wanted my King to awaken. King Ronove was laying on his bed, his eyes focused on a spot on the dungeon cealing. When the door opened his attention was now on me. "Ah if it isn't Marax. How have you been?" He asked casually. I wasn't up for a polite conversation. I shut the door behind me and walked up to the man. By then, he had gotten up, sitting on the edge of the bed. "What have you done to my king?" Was the first thing that came out my mouth. "What ever are you speaking of?" His head tilted to the side as he watched me. "King Amon left your dungeon and passed out moments after. He hasn't woken up since. So I ask again. What did you do to my king?!" My temper was slipping. And I am a very patient demon. He chuckled. He actually had the audacity to laugh. Here I was worried about my King and this demon was laughing at the dire situation we were in. He knows the King can't go missing for more than three days. Not one of the council members are aware of Amon's condition yet. I can't stall them after the day ends. They will want answers. "Marax calm down. I did nothing to your King. His mate did." "Pardon?" Did I hear him correctly? Did he just say that Amon's mate have him like that? But that's impossible. My King doesn't have a mate. "By the shocked look I'm guessing you still aren't aware of it." Ronove said. "Marax did you notice an engraving on his skin?" The Celtic moon and star! "Yes. Over his heart he got something. The same day he left your dungeon!" "Calm yourself! Your King is not in any danger. He has bonded with his mate. So what she feels and what she goes through, he would as well. A demon as powerful as Amon, for him to be unconscious for days could only signal that his mate is in that state. So you need not worry. What you need to do is ensure that those asses of council members aren't made aware of his delicate state." He said everything so quickly and to the point. I forgot how Ronove spoke when he was in King mode. His tone was close to the way he spoke when he was King. "So when will he awaken?" I had to know. "Well that all depends on his mate. When her eyes open, his will as well." His words didn't sound so mocking this time. In fact they actually sounded sad. But I'm just imagining things aren't I. "Marax I can't help you with waking your King, but I can help you with the council members so they won't fall suspicious." Am I that desperate to recruit the help of one of the most powerful Kings of our world? Yes. Yes I am. Anything to protect Amon. "I'm listening." I said. He smirked at my response. It was like he was expecting it. He abruptly stood up, stalking towards me. Before I could even turn to run away, he grabbed me by my jacket and lifted me easily. I felt something pierce the skin on my neck. Shit. This is not what I wanted. I didn't see this coming. Ronove is going to kill me. "Stop that shaking. I am not going to kill you." "Then put me down at once." He did. Thank the King. "Relax. I wanted to see the state Amon was in. To do that, I had to touch you. I saw your memories of the past three days. He's in a bad state. But not terrible. He will survive." "How do you know he will survive?" "Because his life is tied to mine. If one of us dies, the other does as well. Seeing as I'm still alive, so is he." The way he spoke, it was like I was a retarded demon he was trying to teach. Maybe I was. How could I have forgotten that? In order for Amon to be the new King, his life had to be tied to the past King's since he had no blood connection to the throne. I watched as Ronove moved to the centre of the room. He removed the shirt he was wearing and quite literally stuck his hand into his chest. He grunted before his hand slowly emerged from his chest, holding something clear and fog like at the same time. A soul. I would recognise that soul any where. Amon's. Why did he remove it? "This is only a part of his soul that I have within me. I'm only casing a small spell using this. What I'm going to do is use this fragment to create a hologram of Amon. It will walk the castle so the council members won't grow suspicious of his absence. It will only last five days. So hope that your King awakens before then." He explained and then proceeded with his spell. With the spell completed, I stared at a perfect hologram of Amon. It wasn't even translucent. It was actually opage and appeared solid. As long as no one entered Amon's chambers, no one would know. Ronove told me to leave his dungeon now. His parting words to me were to keep an eye on my King. Making my way back up to the King's chambers my only thoughts were on Amon and his mate.