Chapter 15

Raven's POV

For the past two days Amon has tried his best to take my mind off of everything. By everything, I mean everything. The Sacrifice happening in a few hours, me losing ten days of my life. The stress of what will happen after. My mind was so focused on what he was doing for me, that I almost didn't notice the change in him.

I couldn't describe the way he was acting. But the best I could do is that one minute he was distant, the next, he never left me alone. When I asked about it, all he told me was that it was something to do back at home. I stopped questioning about it after I got tired of the vague response.

I was sitting at the edge of the waterfall basin, with my feet in the water. Amon was over by the trees just staring in a distance, his hand over his heart. That reminds me. I never did get to tell him about the thingy that appeared on my chest. But with the way he was now, I don't think I will tell him. If the stuff back home is bothering him that much, he should be there dealing with it.

"Amon, I'm not asking you to tell me what's bothering you, but if something is bothering you that badly, you should really go deal with it before it becomes a problem." I said standing up and moving towards him.

Turning towards me, he reached out and touched my cheek, stroking it. "It's not that simple Raven. With the sacrifice happening tomorrow, I've made preparations for the women who will be there. But what is bothering me, is something personal. As much as I would love to confide in you, I can't just yet."

Sighing at his words, I moved away. His hand fell to his side as he looked at me sadly. "Amon, it's late and I'm going back. I'll see you soon. I hope."

I didn't know when I would see him again. I don't even know if it will be me that will be sacrificed. I know that Amon doesn't kill the women that are sacrificed to him. But being stripped naked in front of the entire village and chained to a stone slab, is not something I want. Especially not after I saw the women who are given to Amon, have sex with the village chief first.

"Little Raven....please don't go yet." Was he asking or begging?

"Why? Tell me why."

"I'm sorry. I really am. But there are just some things that I wish I could tell you but I can't. You aren't ready to hear them quite yet."

For some reason those words really angered me. How can I not be ready to hear something? Without another word, I stormed off. Okay, I ran. As fast as I could. I think I'm an idiot. How can you try to outrun someone who can adjust his height? Outrun someone who isn't human.

I risked a glance over my shoulder to see if I glimpsed him. Thank goodness he wasn't there. My little happiness was cut short when I ran smack into a tree. A tree whose branches suddenly wound itself around my frame? Looking up, deep green orbs bore into my gaze. Amon didn't look too happy.

"So you got mad and thought you could run away from me. Hmmm little Raven." His tone was dark and menacing. Crap. Double crap.

The arms that were around me, tightened, lifting me up. I didn't try to struggle or resist. It would be useless. So I let literally just hung from his arms as he took me to where ever.

After a few hours, and by a few I mean five, Amon dropped me home. Well as close to home as he could get without revealing himself. He spent those five hours telling me why he couldn't confide in me.

Apparently the first King of his world passed a law that the demons weren't to associate with the humans of our world. For thirteen years Amon has been breaking that law just to be with me. The punishment for that was either life imprisonment or death by torture. But the day after the Sacrifice things would be different. He just didn't go into details about that. Nor did I press him for more answers.

Before he left me, we had something small to eat since I honestly wasn't feeling that hungry. My mind kept going over his words. Well the part where he said if he was ever caught associating with a human he would be imprisoned. Or killed. I didn't want anything to happen to him because of me. He's the one person I don't want to loose. The one person I can't loose.

When he left, he kissed me. His lips lingering on mine. We didn't prolong the kiss since it was approaching midnight and he had to leave. Somehow, as I watched him disappear into the darkness, I felt a heaviness in my chest. Was something bad going to happen to him? Dear God, please don't let anything happen to him. I said a silent prayer not even knowing if it would be answered.

Pushing open the door to my little hut, a feeling of dread washed over me. Amon? Has something happened to him? Will he be alright? I didn't get to finish my thoughts. Something heavy came down on my head and that was the last thing I remembered before darkness clouded my vision.

Third Person POV

He watched as she crumbled at his feet. Her long dark hair sprawling around her face and the ground. She really was beautiful. Her beauty surpassed that of her mother, who was the most beautiful woman the village had.

Pushing the hair aside to reveal her face, his lust for her overpowering. It took everything he had to restrain himself from taking her then and there. He had to be patient. In only a matter of hours her powers will awaken. Then it would be time for him to claim her body.

Bending, he lifted her, pressing her breast against his chest. He felt the power reverberate and hum through her veins. He could almost taste it. The moment he claimed her body as his, he will be more powerful than that wretched King of demons, giving him the ability to take over the throne.

Taking Raven out of her hut, Leraje carried her to the his own home. She would be kept there until it was time to chain her to the stone slab. The moment he let Helphas know that he had her, the perverted, sex crazed human would rape her body. The same way he raped her mother's dead corpse. No Leraje couldn't have that. He had to be the first person to enter her, to claim her power. But that power claiming can only be done on the moment she was born. Not before.

Placing her on the ground of his bedroom, he bounded her hands and legs. She shouldn't be able to escape when she awakens. And even if she does, where will she go? The time has come for her to fulfill her duty. Not to the village, but to him.

"Don't worry freak. I will make sure it hurts. From the moment I enter you, until the moment I have finished ravishing your body. Because my dear, I'll be taking you in my demon form."

If anyone heard him laugh, they would have gotten chills. Because as he laughed, he started to morph into his demon self. He sat there next to her, watching her as his body shook with power.