Chapter 16

Ronove POV

Eighteen Years Ago

The forest was dark, with only the light emitting from the full moon above illuminating the place. The sky was dotted with billions of stars. The night was calm. Something that was a rare occurrence. For once I enjoyed it, wrapping my arms around the sleeping figure of the mortal who stole my heart.

Natalia laid on my chest, one hand resting over mine while the other cradled her large abdomen. A large abdomen that our child was rapidly growing in. I know she would never tell me, but I know she's scared. It's her first pregnancy. Also she's pregnant for the Demon King. Our child will be the first of her kind.

Without a doubt, she was carrying a little princess within her womb. It's a trait that the Kings of Raum possess, to know the gender of the heir to the throne not long after conception. Our child will be the first female heir the throne has ever seen. I thank her human mother for that.

Next to me, Nathalia groaned. It was a soft sound and she clutched her lower womb in the process. Was the baby moving? I know lately she gets pain when our daughter moves. She was still asleep so I helped rub her belly where she was holding. Her brows were knitted together. I pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. Her tense body relaxed. Only to tense up again. This time she cried out in pain, her eyes flying open.

"Ronove?" She said, her voice soft and laced with the pain she was feeling.

"My love. Is she fighting you again?" I asked, helping her to sit up.

She nodded slowly, before bending forward, biting her lip as she suppressed a groan. Something's not right. She's never in this much pain when the baby moves. Pulling her up in a sitting position, I placed my hand on her stomach to feel the baby. She pushed against my hand to the extent that Nathalia cried out loudly in pain. Was the baby ready? But that can't be. I thought human pregnancies lasted nine months. It's only been five months. But a demon pregnancy however last two months.

Nathalia cried out in pain again. Louder this time. Alright. This baby is coming. Gently easing her back on the ground I made her lay on her back. Lifting her dress, I pulled it off her body. I didn't want the fabric getting in the way. I have no idea what to do to help bring this child into the world. But then again, neither does anyone else. Our baby is one of a kind and we didn't anticipate this.

Using her dress, I propped her body up slightly. She should be more comfortable like that, atleast a little. I hope. With the dress off, I was able to see her stomach more clearly. The baby was pressing against Nathalia's skin and moving to the extent that Nathalia was wimpering in pain. I hated seeing her in pain. But this was one set of pain I could never take from her as her mate. This is something natural she had to go through. Well as natural as having sex with the demon king and birthing his child.

"My love. I really don't know what to do. All I could do is...."

"She's coming!" Her screams cut my words short.

Taking a chance, I glanced down at her opening to see blood leaking from her. Fuck! I'm not one to swear but I think it was called for this time. Nathalia screamed again. This time I saw why. On her stomach, it looked like claws pressing against her skin. How the fucking hells is she going to get the baby out?!

Around me, the forest started to go silent, while being bathed in a crimson hue. What's going on? Looking up, I saw that the once brilliant full moon was now a blood red shade. Oh for crying out loud! A blood moon! That's why the baby is acting like this. During a blood moon, a demon king's power enhances. I didn't feel my power amplify, meaning the power I would have gained was given to my unborn child. I have to do everything I can to get her out of Nathalia.

Chanting, I said a spell to help Nathalia the moment I saw that the baby's head was moving out of her body. I watched as more blood gushed from her body as she pushed. Was that a good sign? I don't know. With the blood moon above, I drew power from it. Using it to lure the baby out as her mother pushed.

It seemed to work because within minutes I held our blood covered baby in my arms, her cord and blood sack on the ground next to me. Using a clawed nail, I snipped the cord that was connecting Nathalia and the baby. The blood moon by now had passed.

Gathering Nathalia in my arms, I held her weakened body, placing our daughter in her arms. Brushing the blood covered hair from our daughter's forehead, Nathalia smiled up at me. She looked as beautiful as her mother but her features were definitely demonic. Our baby girl had a full head of black hair, pale skin and when she opened her eyes, one was a beautiful cobalt blue while the other was a brilliant crimson.

"Nathalia, she's perfect. Thank you my love." I tenderly kissed her lips, hugging both her and our child.

"So what shall we name her?"

"Raven. Raven Valac."

"Raven? I love it."

Cradling our child to her bosom, she rocked her gently. Up above the blood moon had completely passed and the full moon once again shone down, lighting the forest.


I woke up with a start, my heart pounding in my chest. Despite the freezing cold of the dungeon I was in, my body was coated in a thin layer of sweat. Her birth. I dreamt Raven's birth. It's her eighteenth birthday. Being locked down here I have no sense of time, but being the past King, I know when the rightful heir to the throne has reached the coming of age.

Every King, on the day of their heir's eighteenth birthday, would have a dream of their birth. At noon, Raum time, the heir would have to undergo a ceremony to either accept the throne or declare waiting until the present King, their father passes. I wish I had that option. My father passed when I was fifteen, so I was already on the throne prematurely. Even though I was ruling for three years, I didn't gain my father's power until eighteen.

Raven won't get that choice either. I don't want her to go through the pain of becoming ruler of Raum. The pain the heir goes through is indescribable. Oh my child. How I wish I could have spent the last seventeen years with you. I would have trained you and ensured that you were ready for this.

Your powers will awaken at the time of your birth. It will be too much for the humans around you. I need to get Amon to get her away from that village before midnight. When her powers awaken, she might very well wipe out the entire village. She needs to be in the ancient chambers when those powers come.

The only thing I could do is request Amon to come into the dungeons. He's her mate. Which means he would feel what she feels during the awakening. I need to prepare him as well for it. Hmm. Many things to do and not enough time to do them. My only hope, is to entrust my daughter to Amon to help her through this.