Chapter 17

Amon's POV

I woke up with my entire body drenched in sweat and aching all over. There was a massive throbbing in my head that wasn't subsiding. The strange thing was, the pain wasn't coming from me. Has something happened to Raven? I hope nothing has happened to her.

Getting out of bed, I began to undress to shower. I had to check on the house for the humans that I would bring here later. The Sacrifice is tonight and Raven herself doesn't know how many women would be sacrificed to me. For all we know, she may be one of them.

"Your majesty!" Marax shouted, bursting through my chamber doors.

My hands paused while in the process of doning my bath robe. I looked at Marax and the frantic expression he wore. What now? Sighing,I tied my robe and turned to him.

"Yes Marax. What's the matter?"

"Firstly. My apologies. I didn't know you were disrobing. And secondly, I can't enter the dungeon cell of the past King. He's sealed it from the inside with some spell."

You have got to be kidding me! So that's the cause of his panic. That damn Ronove. What is he trying to pull? After calming Marax as best I could, which wasn't an easy feat. The man was like a mother demon at times.

"I will take care of it. Do me a favour. Organise two breakfast trays for me and meet me at the dungeons with them. I'm going to shower by the time."

My voice was calm but at the same time commanding. He nodded and left. He still looked bothered though. Shaking my head, I went into the bath to shower and brush my teeth. I may be the Demon King, emphasis on demon, who tortures other demon, but I do like cleanliness. Dressing in dark grey slacks, I buttoned up my charcoal coloured shirt before heading down to the dungeon.

Marax was waiting outside Ronove's door looking distressed, while holding the tray of food I had told him to bring down. The poor demon. Touching him on his shoulder caused the old demon to jump in surprise. He glared briefly at me while I chuckled.

Turning my attention back to the seal dungeon door, I placed my hand on it. Indeed a spell was casted sealing the door from the inside. The only one who would have been able to open the door would be someone who has access to incantation and spells. The demon enchanters or the Demon King. Chanting softly, I lifted the spell, pushing the door open.

Ronove was crossed leg, eyes closed, chanting. It looked like he wasn't even aware that the spell on the door was lifted. What made matters worse? He wasn't crossed leg on the ground. No. This blasted demon was levitating!

"Amon nice of you to join me." Ronove's voice was calm and slow. So he was aware that the spell was broken. Of course he was.

"You didn't really give me much of a choice but to come." Turning to Marax, I took the tray of food from him. "Marax, thank you. I will call you when we are finished."

He nodded and left, shutting the door behind him. By now, Ronove was standing on the ground, looking from me to the tray in my hand. His eyes narrowed at me.

"What do you want Amon? No actually I'm glad you are here. I needed to speak to you, that's why I sealed the door earlier. But it seems as though you have something to discuss with me as well."

He took breakfast tray from me and took a seat on the bed, folding his legs. He began to eat. This son of a bitch. All he had to do in order for me to come see him was send a message through Marax. Like he did every other time. But seeing as how he didn't, means that it's something actually important.

"Ronove what's wrong?"

"It's Raven. She...."

I didn't let him finish. From the moment he said her name, I reacted. I was in front of him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up.

"What's wrong with her?! Is everything alright?!"

To say I was panicking was an understatement. He pushed me off, pinning my arms to the side.

"Relax Amon! Raven will be fine. Her birthday has arrived and you know what that means."

Yes I'm aware of what it means. But how does he know it's her birthday. He isn't aware of time in this dungeon. Does it have something to do with him being the past King? Being her father?

"Ronove, what do you need my help with?" For Raven, I was willing to do anything.

"Get her out of that village. When her power awakens she will need to be within the ancient chambers before the time of her birth. The pain you felt when you ascended the throne will feel like a paper cut compared to what the true heir has to go through. Her powers will be strong enough to wipe out an entire continent. So by midnight, if she isn't in Raum, her entire village will cease to exist. I don't care if you have to kidnap her. Just get her out that village."

Fuck! Not good. That isn't good. A paper cut. That's what he compared my pain to. My skin was peeled off, my bones broken, my organs melting. It felt like suffering beyond that I inflict on my prisoners. A thousand times worse. And yet the pain the true heir to the throne feels is worse than the pain I felt then.

Pulling away from Ronove, I paced the dungeon. How am I to get Raven out the village? If she's my sacrifice then it would be easy. But if she isn't, then it would be a little more complicated. My only option is to attack the village. I have no qualms about doing it. I hated the village for the way they treated her. It's only because of her that I never wiped them out. But seeing as how her father says she needs to be in Raum, nothing is stopping me.

My mind made up, I stopped my pacing and turned to the older demon. "I'll get her here before midnight."

"Good. Because I'm....."

He didn't get to finish. I was suddenly doubled over, clutching the left side of my ribs. It felt as though someone kicked me with such force that it broke two of my ribs. The fuck?! My first reaction was to glare at Ronove, since he's the only other one capable of attacking using an invisible force. But it wasn't him, if his wide eyed, stunned expression said anything.

My head snapped to the right as it felt as though I was punched in the jaw. Spitting a mouthful of blood on the ground, I wiped the back of my mouth, looking around. Is someone else in the room with us? What the fuck is going on?!

Ronove grabbed me, pulling down the left side of my shirt just enough to reveal my chest. The mating mark over my heart was glowing a brilliant white light. Almost blinding. Raven. Was something happening to her back in the human world?

"Amon, where is my daughter?" Ronove asked slowly.

"Home." I gasped as I flew from his grip, my head slamming on the ground. The glow on my chest got brighter.

"Well she is being hurt. Someone is attacking her back in the village!" He growled low, his eyes slowly changing from cobalt blue to crimson red. Fuck. Not good. Really not good.