Make it double

"Here, we have the main study hall. As long as your problems are of the usual nature, this is the place you will go to seek advice." Pointing her hand at a spacious building in the middle of an otherwise low-rise area, the guide smiled. Appearing to be in her middle twenties, her brown skin coated with insanely white hair made her truly a marvel to look at.

'I guess they changed the strategy, huh?' Smiling to his own thoughts, Layn ignored the building the girl was presenting just like he did with the entirety of this trip. 'After all, we are here to show ourselves to everyone else, not to learn about the layout of this place.'

Satisfied with the current course of the events, Layn decided to focus on something far more important and urgent. Holding up Irea's hand, they were actually supposed to enjoy this trip before going for a meal and then a romantic date somewhere in the meadows!