What say you?!

"Listen up, everyone!" Standing atop a small, wooden stage specially prepared for the occasion, Ation did his best to hype the entrance of the star of the show. "Regarding our situation, I think everyone is already aware. While it's not certain yet, all the evidence proves that we were forced against the natural flow of time!"

Shouting to the gathering of the entire Gener clan that was affected by the fissure in the world's structure, Ation tightened clenched his jaws. Even for him, it wasn't easy to openly confirm everyone's greatest worry.

"As such, we are back in the world where great spirits have yet to regain their freedom!" Plunging the mood of the entire crowd to the lowest it could get, Ation pursed his lips again. Only after the murmur of whispers and small shouts of shock died down, did the high officer of the clan offer some hope.