Return to the warcamp

"It's been a while, wasn't it?" Layn said once their small group climbed a sandhill, allowing them to finally see the huge camp in the distance. Or rather, the walls that surrounded it from the south, barring anyone entry.

"Don't tell me," Irea started, snuggling to Layn's side even more than usual, only to let go of his hand the very next moment when her smirk turned into a pained expression, "HOT! But don't tell me you are feeling nostalgic!" The smirk returned on her lips, signifying how carefree the girl could be in the vast stretch of sandy nothingness.

"Nostalgic? I would call it like that." Layn replied while closing his eyes for a bit. With the scorching sun of the summer not only scorching their heads but also reflecting from the sand and warming their entire bodies, even uttering just a few words was a challenge worth its price in water lost by sweating. "It's more like, I'm returning to my roots?"