Talk with prefect

"A Prefect? What kind of job that is?" Layn asked his girl while obediently following after the man. While others might deem it stupid to just accept the orders from some random stranger, Layn didn't want to stir up the trouble in this place as well.

With his schemes back in the academy coming to fruition, there was bound to be some people that would pay everything to catch him. Be it for the sake of revenge or just for the sake of learning how he created the treasure, it didn't matter. The explosion of his treasure, although not made by his hands, effectively made him a fugitive.

And by causing trouble and making his name and face well-known in the warcamp was the shortest way to ensure that once the hunting season would start, someone from the academy would surely recognize him!

"A Prefect? Well, how do I say this…" Irea got caught off-guard by the question, raising her hand to her chin to think about the proper answer.