Welcome abroad

"I'm all ears," Antion announced, slightly changing his position on the sofa.

"Let me start from the beginning." Layn smiled. Without the outright refusal, there was some room for negotiation. It was now all up to the archmage to find just what exactly this man wanted.

Antion's abilities… Didn't lay in his strength. In fact, while he was a two-star expert, Layn could tell how weak he actually was.

'No, his strengths lay in his head,' Layn thought, smiling to his own thoughts. "Let me start from the very beginning, then," he asked while sitting on a chair.

"First off, the purpose. As for now, I'm gathering people that will venture with me to the middle of the desert. A reward for everyone who managed to accompany me all the way will be one grade one stone." Layn decided to start with the smaller information.