Entering the desert

Only two weeks passed by the time Layn and his small group arrived in the city before the warcamp started filling with people once again.

From the early birds hoping to find some other like-minded mercenaries to form parties and go explore the desert once the barrier would switch open, through merchants sensing the gold in servicing all those adventurers, all the way to people like Layn, who saw this place as nothing but an opportunity.

"Guys, I know I was vague with the objective of your mission, but now it's up to you," Layn said, standing in front of a group of roughly twenty people. Irea stood right behind him, to propagate the image of the two of them being different from everyone else in the now greater group.

Amongst the recruits, early birds got the worm. Even though he was just lucky to be selected, Pavrien took command of one-half of the mercenaries, while hand-picked Antion commanded the rest of them.