What next?

"Right, you explained the magic itself, but not what's your plan for the camp!" Al shouted out roughly an hour after the two groups rejoined and started their slow return to the camp. 

'Huh?' Layn thought, startled, unable to figure out just where did that question came from. "Isn't it obvious? I planned to turn it into a magic academy from the very beginning, didn't Irea tell you that?" Layn asked before moving his confused eyes on the girl.

"I told them, but they then came up with various problems regarding this solution," she explained as she shrugged her shoulders. 

"Excuse me, what?" Layn brought his eyes back from the girl on Al before shaking his head. "Wait, let me reiterate, even though everyone knew what this place was supposed to be while I was away, they still dared to make some plans for it?" Layn asked for clarification. 

"That's more or less it," Irea confirmed while nodding her head.