Irrigation system

"We should still be a day away," Layn muttered under his nose as the rest of the group busied themselves with setting up the camp. As much as he wanted to reach the camp already, with just four mounts for the entire group, there was no way to speed up their march any further.

"What are you thinking about?" Sitra asked as she approached the archmage. Layn looked back, only to see her impressive figure with her already prepared tent serving as the background to her march.

'To think that not only Al but Irea would also be slower than her,' he thought, taking note of this small detail of the girl.

"Nothing much." Layn shrugged the question away. "Just some early planning for what we should do once we get back," he said, looking down at the ground.

In just the last few moments, the lazy and monotone moves of his hand-carved out quite a complex picture directly in the ground.