Arrangments for planning the city

"Yuck, everything so dirty," Sitra said with disgust as she ran her finger through the brick wall of the first building she entered. "Are you really not bothered by this, guys?" she asked while turning her head back to the rest of the group. 

"Stop it," Layn said without even looking at the girl. "You are well aware that all those buildings were constructed in a hurry and just to satisfy the basic protection needs," he pointed out before looking at Irea to his side. "You did a great job at expanding the camp," he patted his girl on the head before turning his head around and looking every member of the party in the eyes. "You all did a great job," he praised the group. 

Before Layn went away, the camp consisted of measly two buildings. A shared lodging for the first pioneers and a kitchen area. And while the kitchen remained the most complicated building with its heat exchange system, the brick-burning plant wasn't that far off from being far more impressive.