Break not short enough (slightly +18)

"That was tiring," Layn said, falling to the grass-filled bedding of his. Even though the negotiations concluded in a satisfactory manner, the archmage couldn't help but feel a sense of defeat. 

"You know you can't take rest yet," Irea said, looking over at her man. "I know you are tired, but try to push yourself a little more," she asked as she sent Layn a lovely smile. 

"I know, I know," Layn shrugged on the bed. "Just give me five minutes," he requested, burying his face in the poor-quality pillow. 

'I still need to convert the stones into coins, organize the blueprint for the academy layout, check for problems in different areas, and then there is the council meeting...' he thought, despairing over the amount of work that he still had on his shoulders for today. 

"Just how do you cope with constantly working?" Layn asked after a moment, looking over at the girl.