Layn's job

Turning the mana stones into actual pieces of equipment was a process that required several steps. First came turning the stones into dust as fine as one could do. By doing so, the surface of the magic construction would increase when compared to before, rapidly increasing the ability of said dust to transmit the mana from the human-inaccessible plane to one where they could actually make use of it. 

But that was only the very beginning. And Layn was previously shackled by the constant lack of the stones to process. Thankfully, this trend was finally about to end. 

"I need to get at least two hundred more coins, then the requests, then the ring," Layn spoke softly to himself, using his voice to organize his work. Without any sort or whiteboard to write on or even a notebook to note both his progress and desired quota, Layn could only use his memory as the recording medium of his plans.