You And Me, Outside!

The man didn't stay surprised for a long time. He recovered quickly and chanted that spell all over again. Even though Zion dodged once, it didn't mean he could dodge the second time! Sure, from what it looked like, the human might have learned how to fight from the dhampir girl, but it didn't mean that this human had the energy and skills to fight off with someone who could use magic!

After thinking of this, the silver-masked man got enough confidence and charged another set of energy balls in his hands before throwing them at Zion's face.

This time, however, the human didn't dodge. Instead, he used his sword to slash the energy balls and make them dispersed. This was one of the tricks he had learned back when Lia was still teaching him how to fight and had especially used her energy ball skills to attack him. After learning from her, the attack of this masked man didn't seem single but difficult. It almost seemed like a child's play.