Try Me!

The elf couple who had seen a human suddenly barging into their room was terrified. Their first thought was whether their children were still alive or not! Their gazes collectively turned toward the direction of their children's bedroom, and when they glanced in that direction, they froze.

There, standing right in front of another room, they could see a man with a silver mask over his face.

The elf couple had heard time and again about such a person wearing a mask who was ready to kill children, and now when they saw the masked man, they had only one thought in their heads: Just when did the dhampir girl escape? As soon as this thought flashed in their eyes, their limbs trembled.

But thankfully, this elf couple wasn't as blind as others. Even though these elves were brainwashed into thinking that the dhampir girl was the murderer, there was no way she could suddenly increase her height just like that.