4 After the Reset

Urie followed the source of the whimpering.

A few moments passed as he saw a puppy like beast with blue flames on its front paw.

Its lower half looks like it was stuck into something, the pup struggled to get out of the small rift.

Urie tried to pull the pup but to no avail, he didn't succeed.

The pup looked around and saw that the black glitches are inching closer to it.

It panicked and started scratching the ground trying to pull himself out, Urie helped but the lower half of the pup won't budge until the black glitches reached the pup.

When the black glitches touched the lower half of the pup, the pup whimpered as it pulled itself out and only its upper half were present.

The lower half were left to who knows where.

The pup's lower half slowly dissipates as it looks at Urie.

"Probably if I turn you into a card, you'll survive!" Urie took the Capture Crystal out and a light shone from the crystal to the pup.

The light disappeared, and an interface appeared in front of Urie with only a single word written, ERROR.

"What to do? What to do!" Urie panicked as he looked at his inventory and tried everything but he didn't succeed.

"I'm sorry! I tried my best, but I ran out of options!" Urie surrendered as the dissipation crawled up and slowly took away one of the pup's paws.

He helplessly scrolled through his inventory until it stopped at the end.

"Oh! I haven't used this yet!" Urie exclaimed as he took the egg and lay it on the ground.

"Come on, come on!" Urie clasped his hands and prayed hard.

Black glitches crept from the egg towards the pup.

It devoured the whole pup until nothing was left.

"No! What have I done!" Urie sadly exclaimed as he looked at the egg with contempt.

"What should I expect from a bugged item?" Urie spat as he walked away.

The black glitches returned to the egg as it shook and a big black glitch emerged.

Behind the glitch, a white with black patterns pup emerged with complete four flaming paws.

An interface showed above the pup.

[Eop, Fire-Ice Class]

[Owner: Urie Jin

Description: A pup from a wolf pack living inside a volcano in a tundra.

The nature of their habitat makes them invincible in extreme hot or cold environments.]

The pup whimpered and when Urie heard this; he turned around and took the pup up.

He read the description and saw that his name is within it.

"I owned you? Then let's turn you back into a card!" Urie took the Capture Crystal, and a light shone towards the pup.

The same interface emerged in front of him and saw the same message written as ERROR.

A black rift opened and pulled the two within.

Urie found himself at the alley where he tried to hide from the dissipating world.

A ring echoed as he saw a message coming from Arie.

[From: Arie Jin

Brother, they accidentally made a reset! All the players lost their progress! No one complained since the company is giving away a onetime use of Guaranteed Crystal to tame a beast they want.

If you received this message, please reply to tell me that you're okay!]

Urie replied that he's fine and started looking around the place.

He took a peek at the Clan Recruitment Tent and saw that the old lady was not there.

Even at the place where the slimes gathered, she is also not there.

"They probably removed her!" Urie thought as she sat in front of the Clan Recruitment Tent and waited for Arie to reply.

[From: Arie Jin

I'll be there! I'll just check your body since your body seizures earlier!]

When Urie read this, he exhaled.

A few hours before, Urie was sucked to the place where he encountered the egg and Eop.

A man inside the IT department is typing some codes when the head of the IT Department enters.

"Who did the reset? Didn't I tell you to just close the servers, not to reset the game?" The head angrily exclaimed.

"Jin! What are you doing? Why aren't you listening to me?" The head of the IT department asked the man who is typing codes.

"I'm trying to restore some game elements and remove some bugs brought by the reset!" The man replied without batting an eye.

"Go on! Follow Jin's example and try to restore as much as you can!" The head IT ordered and left.

"This is the only help I can give you with your situation, my son, please hurry and finish the game!" The man typing codes on his computer murmured.

"What are you saying, Jin?" His co-worker asked.

"Nothing," He replied and continued his typing.

Inside a facility, where a large glass tank was placed with a human body inside wearing nothing but the helmet on his head and wires connected all over his body.

"You know bro, I'll laugh at you when I see you naked like this regularly, but thinking that you might die anytime inside the game, I don't know what to do! I can't help myself but to do what it takes to help you out! I can't laugh in this situation!" Arie whispered as he caressed the tank and walked back to the room while tears were escaping from his eyes.

He wore the helmet and logged in to The Beastmaster Online.

"Brother!" Arie called to the man sitting in front of the Clan Recruitment Tent.

"Check everything!" Urie instructed his younger brother.

Arie checked and saw that nothing changed except for the Hanin card he got was lost.

"We'll get it back again!" Urie comforted his younger brother.

"How about you? What happened? Are you okay?" Arie worriedly asked.

"I'm fine! When the reset happened, it erased everything before my eyes, I glitched and luckily survived!" Urie explained without telling him he got in a place even he didn't know.

"Thank god you're okay!" Arie sighed as he slumped to the ground.

"What's with you?" Urie asked.

"You had seizures in real life! It scared the hell out of me! I thought that you're leaving me alone!" Arie cried as he hugged his big brother.

"You must have it hard, eh? Don't worry! I'll take care of myself here to avoid worrying you, okay?" Urie assured as he patted Arie's back to comfort him.

"Come! Let's catch that Hanin again!" Urie invited as Arie wiped the tears from his face.

"This game is so immersive that it relayed even my emotions!" Arie mocked himself and followed his brother when he noticed that a puppy with blue flame was following his brother.

"Bro, where did you get that?" Arie asked, pointing at the puppy.

"Eop? I got it before the reset happened," Urie informed him.

"Before the reset? But according to the guides, Fire Class Beast are three towns away from the Town of Beginnings?" Arie doubtfully asked.

"It bumped into me and I tried to capture it, then the reset happened, I didn't know where it also came from!" Urie shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay then, return it to its card form!" Arie asked.

"That's the problem, I can't turn it into card form!" Urie scratched his head.

"You what? How come? I thought you caught it?" Arie asked.

"Well, I was capturing it WHEN the reset happened, probably because of that, that I can't change it back into its card form," Urie explained as he brought out the Capture Crystal and tried to return Eop into a card but still Error.

"See!" Urie proved and kept the Capture Crystal.

Arie opened Eop's interface and saw that it named the owner after his brother.

"Okay, I believe you now! How about your other beasts?" Arie asked.

Urie took the compendium out and took the cards he had.

"Still here!" Urie showed 6 cards to Arie.

The Slime King, Red, Green and Pink Slimes, Hanin, and Moss Cow.

"Good for you! Help me get another Hanin! I want one!" Arie pouted as he pulled Urie out of the town back to the forest.

As soon as they entered the forest, a green bird flew past them and landed on a branch.

"I'll use the Guaranteed Crystal now!" Arie took a red crystal out from his inventory and almost used it when Urie stopped him.

"No! Use it when capturing higher rarity beasts!" Urie informed him.

"Rarity? What's that?" Arie asked.

"That's what you get for not reading the complete guide book!" Urie scolded as he took out the compendium and took out the Slime King and Green Slime Cards.

"If you look here, you can see that the Green Slime is a 1 star card. It means that it's a Common Card. Now look at the Slime King, see that it has 4 stars, it means that it's an Epic Card," Urie explained.

"What's the rarity of Hanin?" Arie asked.

Urie returned the Slime King and Green Slime Cards and took out the Hanin Card.

"Look!" Urie urged and showed Arie the card.

"2 stars? It means that it's an Uncommon Card, right?" Arie asked for clarification.

"Yes, not worth to use a Guaranteed Crystal, better use it on 5 stars and up Beasts!" Urie clarified and suggested.

"You have a point!" Arie nodded as he tried the technique Urie taught him and captured Hanin within half an hour.

"Good! Now I need to finish my quest!" Urie informed his little brother.

"What quest?" Arie asked.

"Complete the Town of Beginnings Page!"