5 Beasts of the Town of Beginnings

Players started capturing their very first beasts, again.

Most used their Guaranteed Crystals to avoid the long process they've been just to capture a beast before, while others kept their Guaranteed Crystals to have reserves just in case they've encountered a beast that is hard to capture.

The two brothers roamed the forest to find some beasts that Urie hadn't captured yet.

As they kept on walking, a green bird that looked like a Hanin but with a bigger body and longer leafy tail landed on a branch as it looked left and right.

Urie squinted his eyes and saw the interface of the bird.

[Hagin, Air-Grass Class]


[Description: The evolved form of Hanin. Its leafy feathers exude an aroma that can render most of the beasts immobile as it escapes high past the clouds.

Pre-Evolution: Hanin

Next Evolution: Angin

Strengths: Paralytic Scent, High-Speed Movement.

Weakness: Heated Wind, Dusted Domain

Likes: Paradorum Fruit, Water

Dislikes: Macaronia Grape, Fire]

The Eyes of a Specialist skill automatically activated when he looked at the interface of the Hagin.

Urie took out the Paradorum Fruit he stocked while wandering around the forest.

"Hagin! I have your favorite food! Come here! I'll give you some!" Urie exclaimed.

The bird turned its head and looked at Urie. When it saw that Paradorum Fruits were in Urie's hands, it screeched and dived towards the area where Urie and Arie was while leaving a trace of yellow dust behind.

"Cover your nose and mouth!" Urie exclaimed as they duck and the yellow dust covered them.

Arie summoned Hanin and asked it to blow away the yellow dusts on them.

The Hagin flew high in the sky past the clouds.

"I guess we can't capture a Hagin!" Arie shrugged as he turned around and was about to continue walking when he saw Urie took a card from his Compendium.

"Moss Cow, continuously stomp on the ground!" Urie ordered and the earthen cow started stomping non-stop until dust permeated the area.

From the clouds high up in the sky, a green bird emerged as it dives towards where Urie was. It continuously dove as it gets faster and faster when it's getting closer and closer to the ground.

When it saw the dust gathering at the place it was going, it was already too late to stop.

It landed on the ground beak first is it looked around confused as it flapped its wings to blow the dust away but when the dust subsided.

A pup with flaming paws emerged and blew a blue fire towards it. It tried to fly away but to no avail; it failed as the blue fire caught its tail and instantly froze it, making a heavy weight preventing it from flying away.

The Hagin fell and slumped back on the ground, weakened.

"Forgive me if I have to do that. If you didn't attack, I wouldn't be forced," Urie apologized as he laid the Paradorum Fruits in front of the Hagin.

"Here, my apology gift," Urie told as he stood up and took the Capture Crystal.

He took a glimpse of the Hagin's bar and saw that it's color red and below a quarter.

[Hagin, Air-Grass Class]

HP: 69/300

After Hagin finishes the Paradorum Fruit, Urie tapped the crystal as light shone on the bird and transformed into a card.

[Beast Captured!]

[Hagin, Air Grass Class]

Urie didn't bother reading the description since he already read it using the Eyes of a Specialist skill.

"Seven Cards! Five more!" Urie exclaimed as he placed Hagin Card inside the Compendium.

They walked further until they found an enormous place filled with holes.

From one hole, a beast is peeking and then disappearing back underground.

When it reappeared, Urie squinted his eyes to look at the beast's interface.

[Bigu, Earth Class]

[Description: An underground rodent capable of digging holes even past through solid rocks and metal ores.

Strengths: Ground Traverse, Earth Affinity

Weaknesses: Water Torrent, Root Bind

Likes: Any Root Crops

Dislikes: Leafy Clover]

The Bigu saw them as it immediately hid underground and reappeared in a different hole showing its tongue mocking them.

"You!" Arie fumed as he summoned Hanin and used Gale Blades towards the place where the Bigu was, but the rodent wasn't already there.

It appeared in a different hole, continuously mocking the two.

"That's it! You really pissed me off!" U

Arie exclaimed as he continuously ordered Hanin to use Gale Blades on where the Bigu appears, as if he was playing a live whack-a-mole.

"Bro, that's enough, let me handle this one!" Urie stopped his little brother as he took a card with purple lining from his Compendium.

A squishy golden slime appeared, exuding an arrogant and majestic aura.

Squishy sounds echoed all around as slimes gathered towards the Slime King.

Urie pointed at the holes as green, blue, and pink slimes started blocking the other holes except for two.

Urie summoned both Hanin and Hagin as Hanin flew towards the furthest hole while Hagin was standing behind the nearest hole exuding yellow dust towards it.

"Hanin, use Air Pressure, Hagin, use Paralytic Dust!" Urie ordered as Hanin blew a compressed air towards the furthest hole while Hagin flapped its wings as yellow dust entered the hole.

It blew a Bigu from the hole as it sniffed the dust and suddenly stopped moving as if they turned it into a statue.

It blew another one out and experienced the same fate the other one experienced.

"We're lucky to have 2!" Urie exclaimed as he captured the first one while Arie captured the second one.

When they put the cards inside their compendium, the ground suddenly shook as they looked at the possible source and saw that Hanin didn't stop pumping air inside the hole.

"Wait, what?" Arie confusedly asked.

[Hanin, Air-Grass Class]

[Description: A cute leafy bird roaming around a dense forest finding fruits and a source of beautiful sound.

If a Hanin found a sound so beautiful that it can't bear to part with it, it will find ways to reproduce it.

Strengths: Gale Blade, Air Pressure

Weaknesses: Screech, Flames

Like: Paradorum Fruit

Dislikes: Macaronia Grape]

"That's why, but what sound does it like to keep pumping air inside the hole?" Urie asked as dozens of Bigus were blown out from the hole.

A popping sound rang every time, and it forced Bigu out of the hole.

"Brother! I think it was addicted to that popping sound!" Arie informed.

Dozens of paralyzed Bigus landed on ground and suddenly, the slimes covering the holes were sucked in, and the air pressure Hanin produced was released on other holes.

Disappointment can be seen from Hanin's expression as it glowed and turned back into a card. Hagin stayed as it flew and observed the area from aerial view without exuding any Paralytic Dust like it did before.

Urie observed the paralyzed Bigus when another quake shook the surrounding ground.

"What now?" Arie confusedly asked.

The shaking stopped and from a hole, a larger version of a Bigu with long sharp claw emerged as it looked at the two angrily and to all the Bigus around them which were paralyzed.

"Uh, oh! I guess it thinks that we brought harm to the Bigus!" Urie exclaimed as he prepared himself.

"Brother, be careful!" Arie reminded him.

Urie looked at the interface floating above the beast and saw its information.

[Boku, Earth-Steel Class]

[Description: A natural ore miner which only digs in places where ores are abundant.

They sharpen their claws by digging through ore deposits.

They are overprotective of the Bigus they were taking care of.

Pre-Evolution: Bigu

Next Evolution: Baragon

Strengths: Claw Swipe, Earth Traverse

Weaknesses: Flood, Root Bind

Likes: Any Root Crops

Dislikes Leavy Clovers]

After Urie read the description, he looked back at the Boku and saw that more of them emerged holding a slime and throwing them aside with eyes blazing as if they wanted to shred the one who they were looking at, which is Urie and Arie.

"Slime King, use Slime Charm, Hagin, use High Speed Movement!" Urie ordered as he took a step back.

Slime King wobbled as slimes gathered around the Slime King.

[New Skill Discovered!]

[Sludge Flood: When a Slime King gathered its royal subjects around it will gain the Slime Troop Buff enabling it to use their stock sludge to impede the enemy's movement in a large area.]

"This came at the right time!" Urie exclaimed as he looked at the group of Bokus rushing towards him.

"Slime King, use Sludge Flood, Hagin, use Paralytic Dust!" Urie ordered as the Slime King wobbled and all the slimes around it spat dark sludges towards the Bokus covering them and impeding their movement.

They tried to pierce and escape through the ground using Ground Traverse, but it failed because of the thick sticky sludge covering it.

Dust came flying from the sky as it landed on the Bokus paralysing them.

"I didn't mean to hurt Bigus. Later, the dust's effects will fade so don't worry, all of you will be fine!" Urie apologized as he turned around when the ground shook again.

"What now?"