95 Another Renovation

After the mayor gave out his suggestion, Urie and Maple decided to accept the suggestion for the meantime and went back to the field after shopping for some items that were unique to the town.

"We should head back to the two, they might look for us!" Urie said as Maple nodded in agreement.

The two made their way back when they saw that there were people surrounding them two and a look of struggles could be seen on the faces of the two.

"Come on, young man! Accept my gift!"

"Mine too! Don't be shy!"

"Please accept my gratitude!"

People were handing items towards the two as they kept on rejecting what the townspeople were giving them.

"If I were you, just accept or they won't stop!" Urie smiled at the two as Blue and Arie looked at him as if asking for help.

"Okay, okay! I think I know what's happening here!" Urie said as he tossed two badges towards them. They caught the badges and immediately activated them.