96 Rumors

"Oh, that's his Ore Crate! He always brings that thing when he mines tons of ores and temporarily store them inside!" Arie explained as he placed the crops that he was holding inside the crate.

"That's why you sterilized it!" Maple nodded as she helped with putting the perishables in the crate.

After some time, they finished placing the perishables inside the crate as Urie sealed it shut and took out a device.

"Eop, please freeze the top part of the crate and the surrounding of it!" Urie requested as the wolf shot a chilling air that froze the lid and the lower part of the crate as soon as Eop finished its task, Urie called it back and placed the device that he made that created an enclosed barrier.

"That's a sealing barrier. We need to renovate the shop as soon as possible so we might have this sleepless night again!" Urie told them.

"Okay! I'll just wake my dad up!" Blue said as he went upstairs.