
"I don't have a system?" He asked his reflection in confusion before muttering out, "Could it be that I didn't transmigrate? Am I having delusions? Could this be just my brain playing tricks on me?"

With this thought haunting his brain, he lifted his right hand and slapped his own face. The slap was in no manner soft. As soon as it hit his cheeks, the loud 'Smack' sound was clearly heard.

"Hmm..." He felt a stinging pain and when he looked at his reflection, he could clearly see his cheek turning red with a handprint on it.

His eyebrows furrowed up as he suddenly noticed something.

Marvin had punched him four times and Hecathe was sure that those punches would certainly leave behind a bruise, however, his face was extremely clear with the red handprint being the only thing that could be considered as out of place.

"Where did the other bruises go?" Hecathe looked confused as his hand reached up to touch his nose and unexpectedly, his nose wasn't hurting at all.

He had been magically healed...

Hecathe was sure that bruises don't heal this fast.

He pondered over it for over a minute before concluding that this body might have a really high regenerative ability.

When he thought about this, his eyes trailed down to the wrapped bullet wound on his chest.

Reluctantly, he lifted his hand to poke the wound, and just like he had expected, it didn't hurt anymore.

"That's... Weird," He muttered as he tried to take off the wrappings.

However, at this exact moment, he suddenly heard the elevator door opening and it snapped him out of his thoughts.

He cleared his throat before shouting out, "Who is it?"

"Captain, there is someone here to see you," It was a male voice that Hecathe didn't recognize.

Hecathe looked conflicted for a minute before he responded, "Send them away. I'm not seeing anyone right now."

Hecathe could clearly hear no sound of the elevator closing which meant that the person hadn't left yet.

"Didn't you hear me?" Hecathe's voice sounded annoyed as he questioned out, "I told you to get out, didn't I?!"

"C-captain..." The man stuttered with a panicked and worried voice, "Please come out."

Hecathe sighed loudly as he looked back at his reflection in the mirror.

He took a deep breath in before straightening out his back and picking up a bathrobe that hung beside the mirror.

He took his sweet little time in tying the bathrobe around his body before he came out of the bathroom.

The man and the guest the man talked about were waiting in the living room and hence Hecathe had to further trouble himself to walk all the way there.

"Who the hell-" He immediately gulped down his words as he saw the 'guest' that was here to see him.

"I'm sorry, Captain. We couldn't stop her," The man who stood beside the guest immediately apologized before leaving the place.

Hecathe was thoroughly shocked as he saw this woman whom he couldn't help but recognize.

"Azazel?" His tone sounded worried as he muttered out.

No... The last he checked, Azazel was definitely a boy!

He had long hair and sometimes liked to dress up as a girl for certain reasons but he was still a boy! Though the woman in front looked a lot like the Azazel who dressed up in girl's clothing, Hecathe could still tell the difference between the two since the real Azazel didn't have such big breasts!

The woman chuckled as she managed to hear this, "Alphius, has it been that long? You even forgot my name?"

Hecathe gulped as he heard this but said nothing more.


There is no way this woman is Azazel.

He tried to reassure himself that his eyes had either seen wrong or this woman was nothing more than a doppelganger.

"You have got to be kidding me," He muttered under his breath.

First, it was the woman from his office and now it was this woman who looked exactly like Azazel. Why was he constantly seeing people he recognized and at the same time, it wasn't them at all?!

Her eyes turned up into two little crescents as she smiled and opened her arms wide, "Do I not even get a hug now?"

Hecathe felt a shiver run down his spine as he heard this.

"No!" He cried out in disgust as he faltered a step back and tightened the string around his robe.

What he saw was his friend's face on a female body with big breasts... Hecathe could almost feel a shiver running down his spine as he found the thought about hugging her a bit too horrifying!

When the woman saw this little action, she couldn't help but laugh in amusement as she asked, "Did I scare you with my sudden appearance?"

Hecathe gulped as he nodded his head, "You horrified me."

The woman also nodded, "Good."

She walked a few steps forward, her black golden-bottom heels clanking against the tiled floor calmly. As she walked towards him, Hecathe couldn't help but notice the change in her smile and eyes.

Somehow, it got more and more wicked.

Her hand reached out to touch the handprint on his face, but he immediately pushed it away before taking a step back.

"Who are you?" He questioned anxiously.

The woman giggled as she let her hand fall down, "Alphius... The question shouldn't be about my identity. It should be: Who are you?"

Hecathe's eyes slightly widened as he heard this.

For a second, he wondered if this woman already knew about his true identity. If that were to be the case, wouldn't he need to silence her...? He would have to kill her and silence her even though she looked exactly like Azazel... Right?!

Her smile dropped and with it, her mannerism also dropped as she suddenly took out a gun and aimed it at Hecathe's forehead, "How dare you forget me?!"

Hecathe gulped as he saw the gun glaring at him, waiting to be used at any moment now.

He took a sharp breath in before letting his eyes trail from the gun to the woman's face.

She had quite a nice face. A face that could be considered feminine and at the same time, she could crossdress and look exactly like Azazel. She was wearing a red one-piece knee-length dress that seemed to match her light red lipstick. Her clothes hugged her body in a loose manner and at the same time, also a tight manner which helped show her curves and confidence in her body.

"Where did you get that gun," It was the only question Hecathe could ask her.

She simply smiled as she responded, "You don't need to know. There's a lot a girl can hide in her purse."

Hecathe couldn't help but laugh a little as he heard this, "Your words are quite... Conflicting."

She was telling him he didn't need to know the answer while also giving him the answer in the very next sentence so of course, he found her words to be conflicting.

When the woman heard this, she chuckled before retreating the gun as she spoke up, "Forget it. That's definitely you."

Hecathe gulped as he wondered what had just happened.

The girl once again had a friendly look plastered on her face as she put the gun back in her purse and leisurely strolled towards the white couch.

"So, how was your life in captivity like?" She asked as she sat down with her right leg crossed over her left., "I told you not to trust that bastard Marvin and yet you walked right into his trap. You should've at least told someone, instead of sneaking out on your own like that."

Hecathe tilted his head as he wondered if he was supposed to get properly dressed first or not.

In the end, he still ended up walking over to the other couch and sitting in front of her with nothing more than a bathrobe tightly wrapped around his body.

"What do you think it was like?" He questioned back with a small unamused smirk.

The woman chuckled as she dug into her purse once again to take out something else.

For a second, Hecathe wondered if he had angered her again but when he saw her taking out a few stacks of paper, he could sigh in relief that his life wasn't in danger.

She threw the papers on the table as she spoke up, "There you go. The thing you were looking for."

When Hecathe heard this, he immediately leaned forward to pick up the papers and took a look at them.

Some of it, he could understand, but most of it made no sense to him.

"I'm so good at my job, aren't I?" The woman commented jokingly, "That's the DNA pattern for all the mutants. I think there is a DNA comparison between you and them in there somewhere. Take a good look at it later and contact me if you can't find that. I might have left it back at my place."

When Hecathe heard this, he sharply glared at her, "And you say that you're good at your job? I call that careless."

The woman chuckled as she heard this, "You're right! You're right! It was my fault. Hehehe...."

When Hecathe read through the first page, his eyes widened slightly as he immediately realized a thing that he was yet to consider.

"I'm not on earth..." He mumbled underneath his breath and this comment couldn't be heard by the woman who was now paying attention to her nails that had been chipped somehow.