The diary

Hecathe gulped as he tried his utmost best to stay calm. He quickly read through the first page and flipped to the second page, finishing that in just a mere few minutes before turning the page again.

The woman in front of him chuckled softly as she saw this, "You can take your time. No need to rush."

Although she had said this, Hecathe was still panicking a little as he tried to read through the entire thing.

The woman frowned and after a minute, she stood up as she exclaimed, "Since I don't expect you to escort me out, I'll be taking my leave then. All the best, Captain Alphius. If there's anything you need, just give me a call cause I'm always on your side."

Hecathe nodded without even bothering to look up from the papers clutched tightly in his hand.

He could clearly hear the sound of her heels tapping against the floor as she made her way to the elevator and got ready to leave.

At first, he didn't try to stop her but just when the elevator door was about to close, he rushed forward and stopped it, "Wait!"

The woman smiled as her eyes slightly widened when she saw this reaction, "Are you forgetting something?"

"Thank you," Hecathe muttered out.

"Huh?" She looked to be clearly taken back by the sudden show of gratitude.

Hecathe gulped as he met her eyes. It was certainly the first time in his life that he was thanking someone like this.

The woman was silent for a minute as she looked back at him with a bit of suspicion that couldn't be sensed on her face.

She cleared her throat as she responded, "I don't know what got over you to say that but... I guess you're welcome."

Hecathe couldn't help but feel a bit awkward for stopping her to say something so trivial.

The woman chuckled as she added, "You really look like someone possessed your body today. So weird."

Hecathe, "..."

"But it's not entirely bad," The woman continued with a genuine smile, "It's refreshing to hear you say 'Thank you' for the first time."

It seemed that captain Alphius wasn't so different from Hecathe. Both of them sucked at saying thank you.

"Captain Alphius, it is an honor to be working with you." Hecathe could swear that he saw a small blush on her face as she spoke, "I might joke around a lot but I'm not lying when I say I look up to you. What you created is truly something wonderful."

"..." Hecathe gulped as he couldn't understand what the woman was talking about.

The woman sighed as she pushed the elevator button again, "If you want to contact me again, just send me a QMS. Whether it be for work or just to hang out, I'll definitely be there."

The woman winked and the elevator door shut close, leaving Hecathe stunned at the spot.

"Did... She just flirt with me...?" Hecathe muttered to himself as a minute passed in silence and just as this thought crept up his mind, a shiver crept down his spine.

He soon decided to distract himself from the weird thought of the female version of his best friend flirting with him.

Now that he was all alone once again, Hecathe rushed back to the couch, and with a pen that he had picked up from the table, he circled some of the words on the paper.

He could hear his heart beat against his chest loudly, clearly from fear and a bit of excitement that he didn't even know the source of.

"The book shelf!" He lifted his head and suddenly threw the paper and pen on the table before making his way to the bedroom where there was a bookshelf covering an entire wall.

He read through the titles but nothing seemed to interest him at first. More than half of the books in this library were somehow related to biology, psychology, war, strategy, and mechanics. A really confusing mixture of topics that not many people would find themselves interested in.

Just when he thought he wouldn't be able to find anything interesting, he came across a book that had no title on it.

Hecathe took a sharp breath in as he immediately picked the book and glanced at the blank outer cover for a few seconds before opening to read the first page.

[Owner: Alphius.]

That was it... That was all that was written on the first page, however, it was all Hecathe needed to read in order to find out what this book was about.

It was a diary or to be more exact, it was Alphius's diary.

Hecathe gulped as he walked back to the living room and comfortably took a seat on the couch before deciding to open the diary.

He had never tried to interrupt someone's personal life like this so he felt a little guilty for reading this diary, however, the guilt merely lasted for a few seconds as he concluded that since he was already in this body, he might as well read what this body had gone through.

Hecathe would also be lying if he said that this diary wasn't interesting.

With an entire day spent reading and gaining knowledge, Hecathe hardly got any sleep.

The next morning, someone came up the elevator and seemed to have come to call him for breakfast, however, what they got to see was a Hecathe covered in torn papers and books, lying on the floor in a manner that made it look as if someone had murdered him in his bath robes.

"Captain...?" The man seemed to be reluctant as he called out in worry.

A minute passed and he got no response.

"Captain?" He increased his volume and took a step forward towards the body of the man.

Hecathe immediately jolted up as he heard this, "Why the hell are you waking me up at such an inhuman timing?!"

The man flinched back as he heard this sudden response, "Captain, it's morning. Do you want me to bring your breakfast up?"

Hecathe rubbed his eyes that had puffed up just a bit, "Breakfast?"

The man nodded and a smile crept up on his face as he spoke up, "Yes, Captain. You need to have breakfast."

Hecathe rubbed his face and looked around, his eyes instantly resting on the pages that he had torn out from the innocent diary, "Oh sh*t, it wasn't a dream!"

"Huh?" The man looked to be confused as he heard this.

Hecathe gulped as he shook his head, "Forget it. I'll come down in a bit. Let me just freshen up real quick."

The man nodded as he got in the elevator and the elevator door immediately closed.

When the man was out of sight, Hecathe pinched himself just to make sure that all of this really was real. As the pain surged up and his skin got slightly red, his mental sanity seemed to have been lost as he broke out laughing.

He grabbed his head and almost wanted to bang it against the floor as he muttered, "I freaking transmigrated! As a VILLAIN!!"

The elevator door opened once again and it was the same man, "Captain, I heard someone shouting."

Hecathe snapped his head and stared at the man for a solid minute before he cried out angrily, "Get out!"

The man's eyes went wide as he frantically nodded and pressed the button on the elevator panel.

With an entire night spent on reading a man's interesting diary, Hecathe gained so much unbelievable knowledge that it made his brain short circuit for a second.

At first, he only expected to get information about the man called Alphius but unexpectedly enough, the information he got was a whole lot more than that.

He got to know a lot about the body that he was currently in and the one thing that he thoroughly understood was the fact that he had transmigrated into the body of the villain!

If this was a novel then this guy named Alphius Edler was definitely the villain of the story!!

In fact, he was quite a famous villain.

When Hecathe initially started reading the diary, he had the strong feeling that Alphius Edler was a genius boy with amazing superhuman abilities and clearly a bright future waiting ahead of him. He had a golden reputation because of his amazing father who was a world-famous hunter. This golden reputation, however, was soon tarnished after the death of his amazing father.

He was a rising genius who fell down from the promised throne that he had never even got the chance to warm up to.

Actually, his father's death had nothing to do with him directly. His father was just another one of those stupid people who had been eaten by a Dorgon. However, to say that his father's death had nothing to do with his reputation getting damaged was also false.

It seemed that the only reason why anyone ever acknowledged Alphius was because of his father. With the death of the man, at the age of fourteen, Alphius hid from the eye of the public and secretly carried out his own research centers.

He created the first mecha suit for people without abilities. People who were shunned by the society and treated badly just because of the fact that they couldn't absorb Zelium or develop a Zelium element. They were considered to be useless, but Alphius could see potential in them, and hence, he gave them a way to prove themselves.

More and more people without abilities gathered near him and Alphius soon became their leader. In just a year, he had hundreds of people following him around, treating him as their savior. They promised their loyalty to him and in turn, he gave them a mecha suit.

With the help of his creations, people without abilities started getting accepted in society, but his reputation didn't get any better. In fact, it only got worse.

Rumors were the ground behind everything.

Arrogant, self-conceited, Wicked, Egotistical, Crazy, Narcissist, killer.

People had a lot to say about him.

The first rumor was probably the rumor of him killing his own father and the other rumors that followed were even more ridiculously unbelievable.

He got called a lot of things and it eventually started getting to him. He was just a socially awkward boy who didn't like interacting with the world, however, in the eyes of the world, he appeared to be someone different, and the thought of someone different, scared them.

Fear soon rose.

Someone once asked Alphius a stupid trivial question, "You have so much power and potential, It wouldn't even be impossible if you one day decided to destroy this world."

The boy laughed at this question and answered playfully, "If I want to destroy the world, do you think anyone can stop me?"

Such a thought scared people of the possibility and soon, the thing they were afraid of really came true.

Four Zelium water element users were found dead and they had all been killed by a Mecha suited man without abilities.