The city gate

Hecathe immediately tried to contact more mutants but it seemed that all the mutants nearby had already been killed by him. The rest of the mutants were all on the other side of the forest.

He sighed as he glanced at the map once again and decided to finally head to the city of Ocasia.

An ancient city that was said to be unkind to strangers. A city that would certainly help keep Hecathe safe.

It was already near evening and Hecathe didn't plan on sleeping in this forest so he headed to the city fast and in just a few hours, he was able to reach the iron gates of Ocasia.

The gate was super high. A big gate that looked to be more than thirty meters in height and ten meters in width. It was made from heavy iron that was painted silver-grey and had small designs carved on the surface. It looked magnificent and grand which made Hecathe feel a bit taken back.

Hecathe gulped at the intimidating sight of the gate and before he knew it, his feet had already started moving as he entered through the gate and finally saw the city of Ocasia.

Maybe it was because this place was an ancient city, but the buildings here all had the same dark color scheme and somewhat the same design. They weren't too grand or showy but had an aesthetic look to them. It was something that had managed to look appealing for Hecathe who loved dark colors.

"I think I'll be able to survive here," Hecathe muttered in amusement as he looked around at the city that was waiting to be explored by him.

He lifted his watch and informed Xanie about it first just to let her know that they had succeeded in their plan, "I'm here and I have to say, you chose a really great place. I like it."

As soon as he finished speaking and sent the message, he was rudely pushed forward and almost stumbled to the ground.

"What the?!" Hecathe was shocked and angered as he glared back at the man that had rudely pushed him forward.

"Keeping moving! Why the hell are you hogging up the entrance?!" The man who had pushed him forward had the height of a giant and his face was filled with scars that made him look intimidating, however, no matter how scary the man looked, Hecathe's anger didn't come down at all.

Hecathe glared at the man, "Are you trying to pick a fight with me, you bald-headed bull?!"

The man's eyebrows creased together and veins seemed to pop up on his forehead in anger as he heard Hecathe.

"You piece of sh*t!" The man lifted his fist to throw a punch at Hecathe but suddenly someone from behind him put his hand on the man's shoulder and stopped him.

"Acarius, be polite. Don't you see what he's wearing? Are you sure you want to offend him?" It was another man who walked up from behind this man and shockingly enough, he was also dressed in the same cloak and mask as Hecathe.

The giant man called Acarius gritted his teeth and his lips seemed to be twitching as he glared at Hecathe, "You better not bump into me again!"

"What would you do about it? You don't even dare to touch me right now so what's the use of threatening me?" Hecathe asked in a calm tone as he mocked the man and it only incited the man's anger.

"You!!" Acarius shook his hand away from the other man's grip and swung his fist at Hecathe without any sense of hesitation.

Hecathe smirked as he leaned back and effortlessly avoided the man's fist.

No matter what the size of the man was, to pick a one on one fight with Hecathe was simply foolishness. Back in his world, when Hecathe was still in high school, he had the hobby of learning mixed martial arts and he just so happened to be the best in the ring.

Hecathe squinted at the man and scoffed as he provoked him more, "That's it? You use your fist more than your brain?"

"Curse you!" The man gritted out as he swung his fist again at Hecathe and this time, he aimed for Hecathe's chin. A direct uppercut that would have probably landed if the opponent wasn't Hecathe.

Hecathe moved aside and grabbed the man's wrist before spinning and elbowing the man's jaw.

The man let out a cry of pain but that didn't seem to affect Hecathe at all as he moved back and brushed his clothes that had lightly been wrinkled.

"Are you done or do you want me to play around with you more?" Hecathe mocked the man who was clutching onto his jaw that had been dislocated.

The man's face turned red with anger and embarrassment as he twisted his jaw back into place, "You piece of trash!"

The man who stood behind him suddenly chuckled as he walked forward and put himself in between the two, "Acarius, I really thought you'd be smarter than that. You may have power but you lack skills. Haven't you embarrassed yourself enough?"

This man was also mocking him just like Hecathe, however, Acarius looked a bit afraid and didn't even dare get angry at this man.

He huffed and glared at Hecathe but in the end, that was all he did.

"You can leave now. I believe you have a job to do, don't you?" The man asked and Acarius held his head down as he bowed.

"Yes, sir."

"Go. Let me take care of this," The man ordered and Acarius immediately took a step back as he nodded and like an obedient big dog, he walked away from the scene, but only after sending Hecathe another last threatening glare.

The man who stayed behind only shook his head as he turned to face Hecathe, "Excuse his rudeness. It seems that I haven't taught my dog any manners."

Hecathe's eyes twitched as he repeated, "Dog? If my eyes aren't tricking me, he looked more like a human."