Alternate dimension?

The other guy was silent for a minute before he broke out laughing but he didn't bother giving Hecathe an explanation as he simply changed the subject, "Young man, you're quite talented. I wonder if I know you... Can I have your name?"

Hecathe tilted his head and almost wanted to laugh as he heard this question, "If I was willing to give my name to just anyone, why do you think I would be wearing this cloak and mask?"

"..." The man seemed to be a bit taken back but he still decided to chuckle it off as he responded, "Young man, it's okay if you don't want to give me your name. I'll respect that. On behalf of my dog, I'll apologize as well. He caused you a lot of trouble."

Hecathe shrugged his shoulder as he replied, "Not really. He just wasted a few minutes and ruined my mood."

The other man nodded and seemed to be a bit embarrassed as he bowed and apologized, "He was quite rude. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you please do not hesitate to ask me."

"Ah!" Hecathe exclaimed as he responded, "There is one thing you can do to make it up to me!"

The man straightened his back and looked to be excited as he asked, "What could it be? As long as it's not something extreme, I'll be sure not to disappoint you."

"It's quite easy actually," Hecathe replied as he added, "Just get lost. That should be more than enough. I have no plans on interacting with people who call others dog."


Hecathe didn't wait for the man to respond as he turned and left the place.

"Interesting..." The man mumbled as he looked at Hecathe's moving back but his expression that was hidden behind his mask couldn't be deciphered.

He neither looked angry nor did he look pleased or amused. He simply looked indifferent.

Hecathe walked into the city and the first thing that he searched for was a place where he could get some food and water.

Finding a restaurant in this place wasn't as hard as Hecathe thought it would be. Just by walking down a few streets, he was able to find a rather huge restaurant.

He was a bit hesitant to enter the restaurant because he could clearly see that this place had a lot of people and looked to be pretty expensive but at the end of the day, his hungry wailing stomach still made him walk inside the restaurant with full confidence.

A waiter immediately greeted him and gave him a tablet, "What would you like to order, sir?"

Hecathe looked down at the tablet that displayed the menu and he wasted no time in choosing as he picked the food that looked the most delicious.

If the food looks good, it probably tastes just as good: This was Hecathe's policy.

The waiter smiled brightly as he nodded and led Hecathe to a table before announcing, "I'll be back with your order. Please wait for a few minutes."

Hecathe nodded as he sat down on the chair before crossing his legs and glancing at his watch.

He gulped as he looked around to see if there was anyone paying him any attention and it seemed that there was no one even remotely interested in Hecathe. The place was a bit crowded and everybody was minding their own business.

Hecathe lifted his wrist and messaged Xanie, "How is the situation there?"

It took Xanie a whole minute to respond to Hecathe, "Captain, you can rest assured that you won't be found out. I lied and managed to make them head to Zeblor instead."

"That's good. Thank you," Hecathe responded as he closed the QMS.

He clicked his tongue and looked around at the people that looked a bit too normal.

He had wondered about it before as well but except for those three willows of spring and the mecha-suits, the common people here didn't wear anything too eyecatching. They were dressed so normally that for a second, Hecathe had the illusion that he was back on earth.

Well, considering the fact that this was an alternate dimension, maybe such things were to be expected.

Hecathe had pondered over it a lot. He wondered where he was and the only theory he could come up with was the alternate dimension theory. This world was a lot like his own world. Some people looked the same and even had the same name. There was Zelium in this world as well but it was used in a very different way.

"I wonder..." Hecathe suddenly muttered out his thoughts, "If this really is an alternate dimension, then the Hecathe mentioned in Alphius's diary was me?"

He had already concluded the fact that this was an alternate dimension. A place that existed in the same place as the real earth but in a different dimensional pocket. Everyone that existed in his world existed in this world as well. They had somewhat the same personality but led a very different lifestyle.

He had already met people like Xanie and Zather so with all facts considered, the Hecathe he had read about should be him.

He gulped as he wondered what type of life the Hecathe of this world had led.

"What's the use of knowing that? In the end, I'm dead here as well," Hecathe sighed as he concluded.

The thought of him dying in both the worlds really managed to send a shiver down his spine.

He had died because of a truck accident in his real world and an alternative version of him had denied in the hands of a wicked man in this world.

Before he could completely drown in his own thoughts, the waiter came back with the food that Hecathe had ordered.

"This is our restaurant's specialty. Chicken blossom cutlet."

Hecathe's face cringed up as he heard the name of the dish that was presented in front of him.