The first guild mission

Hecathe looked at the poster in his hand and followed the directions given as he headed for the guild called Golden fire.

He was certainly tired but he felt that there was something more important that he needed to do as soon as possible.

Just as the landlady had previously told him, the golden fire was indeed a pretty famous and big guild and Hecathe could straightaway sense this as he looked at the large building that was decorated in a lavish manner, looking more like a fancy restaurant than a guild.

The landlady was quite shocked to see Hecathe agreeing without any hesitation as he took the poster and headed out with a simple "Okay" as a response. She might not have known this but the reason why Hecathe agreed to it so readily was because he read something really interesting in the poster.

The mission didn't clarify what they had to do nor did it clarify why they were suddenly looking for hunters. It simply said that hunters were needed.