
"Let me start!~" The thin pale girl who couldn't stop clinging to the shirtless guy exclaimed cheerfully with a big smile on her face, "My name is Lele and I have been a hunter for the last two years. I don't have much experience with catching mutants so I hope you guys can help me out if needed!~" 

Hecathe's eyes twitched as he heard her talking in a pitch that was a bit too high and annoying. 

The mage who was in charge clicked her tongue as she heard the girl's introduction, "Nobody is going to look after you or help you. If you've been a hunter for the past two years then you should naturally have enough experience and if you don't trust your skills enough then you shouldn't be here in the first place." 

Hecathe gulped as he found Kelly to be more interesting. She was clearly not the type to beat around the bush as she snapped and informed Lele exactly what her current situation was.