Capturing mutants.

Kelly clicked her tongue, "I don't enjoy listening to mindless chatter. Since we have already covered information about your mission, I hope everyone here is already well aware about the consequence that comes with choosing to volunteer in this mission?" 

The consequence? Even though she hadn't said it out loud, it was clear as day what they would be putting at stake in this mission. The consequence was death. They could easily die in there and this was something that they were already aware of before they even took this mission, after all, hunting mutants was not an easy job. 

Everyone nodded as a confirmation and Kelly looked to be pleased with this response as she continued, "That's great!" 

She took out something from her pocket and threw it over to each of the other members as she spoke, "If you want to capture one alive then this would help you a lot. I wouldn't promote trying but in case you're courageous enough, you can use it."