Too flashy!

"Let's count!" Kelly looked to be excited as she exclaimed. and Hecathe couldn't believe that this was the same woman who had been so cold and professional in the beginning when they had just met. 

"Oi! Where are the other two?" It was a male voice that interrupted them and when Hecathe looked up to see the man, he was not shocked to see that it was the same guy that he had met previously when he entered the guild. 

It was the nameless side character that would eventually be forgotten! 

"They ran off somewhere inside the cave," Kelly responded, her voice lacking any emotions. 

"So you left them behind again?" The man frowned as he questioned. 

Kelly simply nodded her head as she confirmed, "That's right. They were too annoying." 

"..." The man took a minute to finally react as he sighed and informed, "I'll tell the next team to keep a lookout for them."