Black-hearted bastard

"Just two hundred lenix?" Kelly blinked in surprise as she questioned. 

Hecathe chuckled as he shook his head, "You'd be naive to think that I would agree to work for such a cheap amount." 

"Then two thousand lenix?" Kelly questioned once again as a frown could be seen slowly forming on her face. 

Hecathe shook his head and denied it again as he spoke, "That's not it." 

"Then what?" Kelly cautiously asked as she had a foreboding feeling in her stomach. 

Hecathe found the situation a bit familiar and he almost wanted to laugh as he remembered that he had also been guessing it wrong just like this when the landlady told him how much rent he would have to pay in the beginning. 

"Two million," Hecathe spoke with a smirk and he saw the woman's face drop all colors.