The deal

"As expected," Hecathe chuckled as he complimented Kelly, "You are a smart woman." 

"Don't bother with the flattery," Kelly sent the man a glare as she snapped, "The two million... I'll give it to you. Not the guild, but me." 


"Your deal is with me so I hope you can keep it between us. Nobody outside of this room would ever get to find out," Kelly spoke up coldly with a bit of a threatening tone, "You can leave the guild if you really think you're not up to it, but you must have a reasonable explanation for wanting to leave. If I don't find your reason satisfactory then you don't get to leave." 

Hecathe nodded his head as he agreed to this demand, "That sounds reasonable." 

"I'm taking out money from my own pocket so you better live up to my expectations," Kelly continued and Hecathe felt a little amused as he heard her authoritative way of speaking.