
"Why?" Hecathe clicked his tongue as he questioned, "Didn't you hear me the first time?" 

"Fifteen million Lenix placed by our lovely customer sitting up at seat 94!" The auctioneer continued to announce the rising bids in the background but it didn't look like Hecathe paid any attention to him. 

The Dorgon chuckled and the dry chuckling sound would have definitely managed to send a shiver down anyone's spine, however, Hecathe was completely unaffected. 

If the Dorgon was fully grown then maybe Hecathe would feel a little intimidated, however, seeing as how the Dorgon hadn't even been completely born yet and had already managed to get caught up in such a situation, it was clear that Hecathe had nothing to worry about. 

"If it's something hard for you to do then you can forget it," Hecathe sighed as he added, "You can just go find somebody else who will save you."