Ten trillion?!

"One?" The auctioneer looked to be confused yet again as he questioned, "One trillion Lenix?!" 

Hecathe chuckled as he shook his head and informed that the man had got it wrong. 


Hecathe clap his hand as he stood up and straightened his back before casually walking forward towards the balcony edge. 

With a wide smile on his face, Hecathe raised his voice and announced it himself, "One hundred Mutant beads!" 


The whole auction house went silent for a few minutes as everyone slowly processed what they had just heard. 

"One hundred mutant beads?" The auctioneer tilted his head in confusion as he informed, "I'm sorry to say this, Sir but you won't be able to win the bid with that." 

"Tch- what a cheapskate! You didn't even have enough money to save me and you still dare try to control me?!" The Dorgon didn't sound too happy as he mocked Hecathe.