The owner?

"Cut to the chase," Hecathe clicked his tongue, "The auction house never sends the auctioneer to deal with this sort of stuff. Why are you here?" 

The auctioneer nodded with a chuckle as he confirmed Hecathe's words, "Sir, you're right. We don't usually do this but for this deal, I thought it would be best if I personally came to see you." 

Hecathe's eyes narrowed down on the man as he suddenly managed to understand something, "You thought?" 

As long as he knew, the auctioneer didn't really have the power to do anything other than announcing the bids.

When the auction was going on, the auctioneer had complete control but as soon as the auction was over, the auctioneer's job was also naturally done. 

The one who decided which staff to send to the bidders was someone in a higher position.