The emperor's heir

"I've heard that you were curious about the origin of the dorgon egg?" The man commented in a questioning manner and Hecathe nodded as he confirmed it. 

"That's right."

"Sir, this Dorgon Egg is the only heir to the golden blood of the Dorgon Emperor, there is nothing for you to worry about. This is the best of the best you can get!" The auctioneer reassured as he exclaimed. 

Hecathe chuckled as he heard this and informed, "That's not why I was curious." 

"Eh?" The man tilted his head in confusion as he heard this. 

"I'm not curious to know if the Dorgon Egg is of the best quality or not. After all, a Dorgon Egg is still a Dorgon egg and it would work just fine no matter what type of blood it has." 

The auctioneer gulped and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as he chuckled, "That's also right. Haha..."