The greatest legend?

Once the man was done explaining the cooking procedure, Hecathe took the egg and got ready to leave, however, the auctioneer stopped him one last time as he spoke. 

"Sir, if you ever find those pure mutant beads again, you must not forget about us." 


"Make sure to come here and sell it to us. We would be willing to give you a fair price for it." 

Hecathe nodded his head as he heard the man, "I would make sure that you're the first one I come to if I find more." 

It wasn't exactly a lie since Hecathe did plan on selling more mutant beads to this auction. 

The auctioneer smiled as he heard this response that didn't sound like a lie simply said to make him feel assured. 

Hecathe was soon given a special carrier bag that worked much alike his pocket suitcase. Once the egg was placed inside it and he closed the bag, the bag shrunk down to a size that could easily be kept in his pocket.