Unknown sister?

Hecathe took out a piece of paper from his pocket and finally made his way to the address of the restaurant that was written down on the paper.

This paper had been given to him by Kelly who had instructed him to wait for her there while she somehow arranges the money needed in order to bribe him into joining their golden fire guild. 

Because Hecathe had made a stop at the black market, it was only natural that he was late, and instead of him waiting for the woman, the situation reversed itself and it was Kelly who was forced to wait for him at the restaurant. 

"You're finally here?" Kelly sighed as she questioned when she saw the man approaching her table, "I told you to wait here, didn't I? Where did you run off to?"

Hecathe pulled a chair for himself and casually took a seat in front of the woman as he replied, "I am yet to join the guild so you're not my boss currently. I am not obliged to do everything you tell me to."