The rare exceptions

It wasn't often when the guild actively took in members so it was truly a bit surprising that Hecathe had managed to impress them with a single mission. 

If Hecathe were to tell her how he had impressed them or if he were to say anything about the deal he had with Kelly, the woman would probably faint from the shock. Perhaps because of this, Hecathe decided not to explain anything in detail, or maybe he was just not bothered enough to narrate the whole incident to the woman. 

"Didn't you trust me when you gave me the job?" Hecathe's eyes narrowed down on the woman as he questioned.

The landlady chuckled as she immediately responded, "Of course, I had faith in you! Isn't that why I'm willing to let you stay here?" 

Hecathe didn't look to be very impressed as he heard this but he would naturally not comment on this topic. 

"Since you've already gotten the answer you were looking for, may I go now?" Hecathe sighed as he asked.