Can't get out

Thankfully there was a bed in the room and there was a mattress on it as well.

Hecathe patted the mattress once and dust immediately rose up, filling the air and making him cough, but this was to be expected and Hecathe only covered his mouth as he patted the mattress a few more times and got rid of all the dust before covering it with a clean bedsheet and laying down on top of it to get some good sleep. 

Even back in his real world, Hecathe was a person who didn't consider sleep as a priority. If he had work that needed to be done then he would give his work priority and only slept when there was nothing left for him to do. 

This kind of habit was obviously bad for his health and he knew this well enough, however, it still didn't stop him. 

Once his head hit the pillow, he was completely out and didn't even wake up when the Dorgon called him numerous times with the intention of annoying him in his sleep.