
"Whose murder are you planning first thing in the morning?" The woman asked and she didn't sound like she was joking as she sighed, however, Hecathe still laughed as he heard her 

"There is someone who seems to be very eager to get killed by me," Hecathe spoke up with an amused tone as he informed, "But you don't know him. He's trapped in what appears to be an eggshell." 

The woman frowned as she heard this answer that had only managed to make her more concerned about her new tenant. 

"Is that a metaphor?" She asked in worry but Hecathe shook his head as a response.

"Don't worry about it. I don't plan on murdering anyone today," Hecathe added with a chuckle as he clearly noticed the worry reflected on her face. 

Her eyes narrowed down on the man and she didn't look to be very convinced however she still went into the kitchen and brought back a knife for Hecathe.