Dorgon's are nicer than Humans

The Dorgon gulped as he heard his master and secretly prayed in his mind for whoever that person was. 

Hecathe leaned his head back and looked up at the ceiling as he thought about something and started laughing. 

"Dorgon's are nicer than people think," Hecathe commented and the little Dorgon didn't know if this was a compliment or not. 

"I would never be able to be that kind," Hecathe added as his laughing sounded more and more wicked. 

This master was certainly a villain... There was no doubt about it! 

"Master, what are you planning to do?" The Dorgon gulped as he asked, curiously looking at Hecathe with a bit of hidden fear and concern. 

"Me? I plan on being a detective for a while," Hecathe smirked as he responded, "And when I'm done finding the one behind this, I'll stop being a detective and would take on the role of the devil who would make them regret."