Sudden interest in fishing

"You looked good in that dress," Hecathe chuckled as he complimented the woman. 

"So you were the one who sold those pure undamaged mutant beads?" Zather asked, sounding a bit surprised. 

"Who else could it have been?" 

"I was really surprised yesterday and also had this odd feeling that I've seen you somewhere before. Turns out my gut feeling was right. Why didn't you wait to say hello?" 

Hecathe sighed as he heard this question and asked back in turn, "Do you think we are on such good terms that we have to wish each other every time we meet?" 

"What?! You're going to say we're not friends? And here I thought we used to get along really well!" The woman complained and Hecathe could almost imagine the frown on her face as she said this.