Catching a whale

"You can say that," Hecathe shrugged his shoulder as he responded, "It's actually a big fish that is very good at hiding, deceiving, and stealing." 

"Did it steal something from you?" Zather asked with a smirk on her face as she finally started understanding a bit of the actual topic. 

"It stole something and returned it as it was," Hecathe spoke as he informed, "But then it just had to go and piss me off by creating a bit of trouble." 

"Is that so?" Zather chuckled as she asked, "Then how do you plan on baiting the fish?" 

Hecathe smiled as he pointed at the meat and spoke, "With a big dead fish." 

"Baiting a fish with another fish?" Zather tilted her head with a bit of confusion. 

"A dead fish can't do anything, so I need the dead fish to be alive." 

Zather frowned as her eyes narrowed down on Hecathe in suspicion, "How do you plan on reviving the dead fish?"